in principle造句121. It has therefore drafted a Second General Directive, similar in principle, but much wider in scope than the First.
122. Although Atkinson was a modernist in principle, he was also capable of building in the true Arts and Crafts tradition.
123. On July 30 the Defence Ministry announced a decision in principle to purchase anti-aircraft missile systems for the first time.
124. In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
125. In principle the choices may be between people, objects, events, processes or structures.
126. The pilot scheme backed in principle by the committee yesterday is proposed for Darlington and Durham.
127. Other analysts criticized him for being both too political and unscientific - science being assumed to be apolitical in principle.
128. The Fundamental Rule could in principle allow any component to interact with any other component.
129. Consequently, it appears that in principle at least, both corporations and their officials could be deterred, unlike their conventional counterparts.
130. In principle, the techniques were now established by which other antibacterial substances could be nailed down.
131. De Gaulle was quite correct in principle, but about three years ahead of his time.
132. They shared Chamberlain's passion for efficiency but, unlike him, were in principle opposed to private ownership of the economy.
133. Within a week they had agreed, in principle, to be partners.
134. In principle of first-in-first-out, expand the whole queue.
135. These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle.
136. ultra-violet recorders consist in principle of geophones.
137. Mod ern countries all prohibit it in principle.
138. Profitability as a collaborator in principle, to cooperate.
139. A single base might in principle suffice for computation.
140. Ultra - violet recorders consist in principle of geophones.
141. In principle, the higher the steam pressure, the higher the water could be pumped.
142. In the reactor, some of the uranium 238 absorbs a neutron and becomes plutonium 239, which is also chain-reacting and can in principle be partially "burned" if it is extracted and properly prepared.
143. At the same time the natural scientist, the physicist, insists on a closed system, on there being physical causes, physical explanations in principle, for the physical events.
144. In principle in accordance with the expertise to conduct a comprehensive examination of the form.
145. The dynamic spectroscopy method is able to eliminate the interference of individual discrepancy and measuring condition in principle.
146. Although in principle a good quality of tea extract is obtained by the combination of treating tea extract with tannase followed by an UF treatment.
147. These Laws and regulations on recovery of loss by administrative means Show that our country have made stipulations on the system of recovery of loss by administrative means in principle .
148. Compiler parser in principle, have to with documentation of the code analysis.
149. In principle, the height of the toe of the raised foreleg should be level with the middle of the cannon bone of the other foreleg.
150. Seeing from foreign lawmaking examples, the tax special priority should be prior to the tax general priority in principle.