functioning造句61 The alarm system was not functioning when the paintings were stolen.
62 A fundamental policy split between them could threaten the successful functioning of the single currency.
63 Confidence, reliability, and protection of this information against security threats is a crucial prerequisite for the functioning of electronic commerce.
64 Right now the trade union movement in Britain is functioning as a white man's union and this must be challenged.
65 Thus, Moscovici is able to draw universal implications about social psychological functioning.
66 In this paper, we identify a number of conditions that seem to be conducive to their optimum level of functioning.
67 Environmental monitoring: This critical system oversees proper functioning of the air conditioning, water detection and humidity controls.
68 Water conditions have an important effect on their performance as do the correct functioning of water softeners if fitted.
69 A person's retirement will affect the family functioning and network but this is not unidirectional.
70 The object was to keep the family functioning as normally as possible, and for many families it worked.
71 First of all, an orchestra, if it is functioning in the best way, is a creative unit.
72 This is a real, functioning dictionary, an astonishingly impressive work of reference and research, however you look at it.
73 The verandas were glazed in, giving extra insulation and functioning as a reservoir of heated air for ventilation into the bedrooms.
74 A biopsy of brain tissue detected the presence of toxoplasmosis, which is relatively harmless in people with normally functioning immune systems.
75 Evidence of electrical power on main and stand-by systems has to be determined and generator or alternator functioning assessments must be made.
76 Our concern in this chapter is with the functioning of perfectly competitive markets.
77 Also information about vocational functioning and living arrangements was gathered by interview.
78 Functioning as a biologist, he became vividly aware of, and impressed by,[http:///functioning.html] the interaction of mollusks with their environment.
79 Patients received a full explanation of the relevance of the external sphincter in controlling anorectal functioning before starting biofeedback.
80 Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism?
81 The respiratory system is vital to life and anything which prevents it functioning can result in death.
82 There was grief and shock, but another part of his brain was functioning - the reporter's.
83 Raw garlic is said to be preferable to kill bacteria and boost immune functioning.
84 She felt rigid like a telegraph pole, communicating perfectly, functioning flawlessly, but with no heart, no soul.
85 Seven patients with definite Crohn's disease, seven with indeterminate colitis and 52 with typical ulcerative colitis have a functioning pouch.
86 And this had profound consequences for the functioning of each system.
87 Agit-poppers convinced themselves that rock was archaic and debased, no longer capable of functioning as a medium for radical comment.
88 Cognitive social psychologists tend to view categorization in terms of individual functioning.
89 To no other group of soldiers functioning in this period was leadership a factor of such prime importance.
90 About two-thirds of all collisions at state public crossings actually occur where everything is functioning properly.