progressively造句181, Thursday , Friday , and Saturday were progressively worse, so they ended up choosing Wednesday - ".
182, Elizabeth Nash of the pro-choice thinktank the Guttmacher Institute says access to abortion has been progressively whittled down under a constant barrage of legal challenges.
183, We see through a montage that Po gets progressively better with his training.
184, Spring, weather is progressively and torrid rise, cause food putrefaction easily, according to the experiment a bacterium can be cracked one day become several bacteria.
185, Now thrust could be generated (for "free" again) at periapsis, progressively increasing the altitude of apoapsis.
186, The only way-out to advance step by step is to analyse the causes of those difficulties progressively.
187, Our objective is to move progressively on a maturity continuum from dependence to independence to interdependence.
188, Their REE abundance increases progressively and their light and heavy REE fractionations also have a general evolutionary trend of becoming more and more marked.
189, The difference increased progressively from the end of the foreleg to the body of Vulpes. The individuals of these two subspecies had the same gradient increasing tendency.
190, The representative of China also confirmed that during the phase-in period, China would progressively liberalize the scope and availability of trading rights for foreign-invested enterprises.
191, Helicases alternatively bind to and release their grip on DNA during replication, progressively moving along the helix to separate the strands in a motion similar to an inchworm's movement.