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31. Stewart had filled in the V62 form while standing in the queue moments before staging the hold-up, the jury heard. 32. They were arrested on 5 October while staging a peaceful protest to highlight repression in Bophuthatswana. 33. Semi-pro hockey and soccer teams will also be staging competitions. 34. Barnes said Munich, Dortmund,[http:///staging.html] Berlin and Stuttgart were interested in staging the new cup tournament. 35. North Carolina, in fact, has created a commission to prevent the staging of the bloody brawls. 36. Organisers are staging another event at Moortown on September 6 and it could be followed by a World Over-80's tournament. 37. Remember that Earth is just a staging post along the way. 38. They are the vital staging post for millions of birds migrating between Siberia and Australasia. 39. The agreement provides for the staging of three concerts each year for three years. 40. The top of the pole had been severed, and his hat had fallen out of sight into the space below the staging. 41. Musically, things take their cues from the staging s unsettling tone. 42. Stand boxes of cuttings in a cold frame or under greenhouse staging and keep slightly moist. 43. This was, I kept telling myself, just a staging post. 44. Now to help raise money for the centre, volunteers are staging a sponsored sleep out on Friday. 45. The city of Mondovi was a main staging post on the road to Genoa. 46. Try standing the legs of greenhouse benches or staging in trays or saucers of water to make an impassable barrier. 47. But Brook supporters have decided to hit back by staging their own demonstration to support the centre's work. 48. Yet he was also impressed: perhaps because the staging was so effective. 49. The rain is over, the Falcons are dying on the tube, the sun is staging a comeback. 50. This observation illustrates the usefulness of endosonography in the staging of low grade gastric lymphoma. 51. Chest and abdominal computed tomography was performed every six months when lymph node or lung involvement was present at the initial staging. 52. The celebration marked the 100th anniversary of the staging of the modern Olympic Games. 53. It will feature colourful costumes, elaborate staging and quality lighting. 54. It is also a key staging post on the route of birds travelling between Siberia and Australasia. 55. Firefighters met at the staging area at a local high school. 56. Try to leave highly territorial fish to the last when staging the introduction of fish into a community aquarium. 57. Howard Davies's superb new staging at the National's Olivier Theatre does the play proud. 58. Twenty travellers are staging a protest outside a police station demanding the return of their vehicles. 59. Tumour staging was dependant upon the histological features and the clinical findings at the time of resection. 60. For further information on staging sporting events contact the National Indoor Arena on 021-.