iran造句1. Iran reopened its embassy in London.
2. The Gulf states include Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.
3. The Ayatollah described the earthquake in Iran as a divine test.
4. Iran remains an enigma for the outside world.
5. The unusual designs were probably imported from Iran.
6. Jim has been sent to Iran to report on the situation there.
7. Their cloak of neutrality in the Iran - Iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin.
8. Congress had expressly forbidden sending arms to Iran.
9. Baktiar spoke of Iran with deep feeling.
10. Congress voted to lift trade restrictions against Iran.
11. Iran is a major power in the Persian Gulf region.
12. Iran agreed to send an envoy to the United Nations for talks on ending the war.
13. IRAN/IRAQ War erupts - it is to form a bloody backdrop for most of the decade.
14. Did you know about the recent hijacking in Iran?
15. Brownout Iran as an example of this policy.
16. There has been a dreadful earthquake in Iran.
17. Iran and Venezuela are much more hawkish.
18. Iran is a democratic country.
19. The Shah desperately wanted nuclear energy for Iran.
20. Todas las promesas de mi amor se iran contigo.
21. Iran replaced Oman as the largest crude supplier.
23. From 1960 to 1970, Ayatollah Mohsen al-Hakim reigned supreme among the Shi'ites of Iraq, Iran and elsewhere.
24. According to the report, only defensive weapons had been supplied to Iran.
25. In the 9th century, the importation of ideas from Iran and India was enriched by original scholarship.
26. The characteristic was embodied in the spread and development of Shiah in Iran.
27. But the implications of his remarks were not lost in Iran, where the US is still spending hundreds of millions of dollars in covert destabilisation programmes.
28. More than three hundred secondary school students competed in the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad last month in Iran.
29. This issue has been a source of tension between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
30. They accused the hard-line president of using fraud to steal election victory from his reformist rival. Ahmadinejad was reelected as Iran President Saturday.