it is said造句31, It is said that only one thin piece of bread their factory produces has more that 100 calories.
32, It is said that the enemy troops have already crossed the border.
33, The "flywheel" battery, it is said, could power an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge.
34, It is said that mentally handicapped people die young.
35, It is said that in the under 16 age group one in six no longer eats meat.
36, It is said that they fill our emotional life and that we are their constant prey.
37, It is said that there are surviving accounts of repair work done to the mill both in 1744-5 and 1751-3.
38, It is said that some crime syndicates have collected so many paintings that they have set up their own galleries.
39, It is said that the masked lady died there in childbirth.
40, It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.Terry Pratchett
41, It is said that the darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn.Thomas Fuller
42, In the tax law, it is said,[http:///it is said.html] an ounce of prevention is worth about a million dollars of cure.
43, The ship, it is said, is filled to capacity with sperm oil.
44, It is said he had to put up with a sofa in the corridor until his identity was revealed.
45, Firstly, it is said that this is not a case in which interim relief is appropriate or possible at all.
46, Then, it is said, Aenarion lay down beside his steed and passed from that age of the world.
47, It is said that she was once told how pretty her eyes were by an arranged suitor.
48, It is said that the final preparations owed their antibacterial activity to the phenol which they contained as a preservative.
49, This, it is said, is the key factor governing the doctor-patient relationship.
50, It is said that there is an ancient city deeply submerged in this part of the ocean.
51, What is said in a letter or memorandum is partly how it is said.
52, It is said the reason why Taurus ran into trouble was a reluctance to step on anyone's toes.
53, It is said that this ghost still beats his eerie tattoo during times of war.
54, There it is said the ghost of his departed wife pleaded with him to proceed no further.
55, Mrs Cons-Boutboul, it is said, therefore decided to have Mr Perrot bumped off.
56, It is said that the operation of the motel here is of a purely local character.
57, The resources, whether material or human, are not there in anything like sufficient quantities, it is said.
58, This, it is said, will enable parliament and public to monitor national standards and improvement over time.
59, It is said that pregnant women were assured a smooth delivery when they drank from his cup, hence his patronage.
60, It is said that a deputation of quarrymen came to see him with a view to getting a trade union recognised.