begotten造句31 God is love, for God so loved the world, that he gave begotten Son - This is love.
32 Sawney, his wife, 8 sons, 6 daughters, and 32 grandchildren all begotten through incest, were seized.
33 Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew?
34 The fact that he had begotten a child made him vain.
35 A single God with an only begotten Son is a deity who adds anSon.
36 Wombed in sin darkness I was too, made not begotten.
37 The Father is made of none , neither created nor begotten.
38 Snobs talk as if they have begotten their own ancestors.
39 The key to happiness is to cherish what you have and begotten what you have not.
40 He truly became man, being begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.