快好知 kuaihz

31. The plane grazed the hilltops. 32. The bullet grazed the side of his head, leaving him virtually unscathed. 33. Now Mrs Knelle drove away from the lake, along a narrow road between green hills where sheep grazed. 34. The field where the outbreak has originated may be grazed by sheep or rested until the following June. 35. They went through a field where sheep grazed, and then through bracken that sloped down steeply to the River Dyn. 36. The tundra is widely grazed by mammals, especially voles and lemmings that burrow in the undergrowth. 37. Following treatment, lambs should be moved to pasture not grazed by sheep that year, otherwise they will immediately become reinfected. 38. Most commonly this occurs when donkeys are grazed as companion animals with horses. 39. Fenced lands tended to be unevenly grazed, and fences were obvious hazards to cattle in winter storms. 40. The bullet grazed his chin, cutting a gash about an inch long that has since hardened into a scar. 41. It was quiet there; his horse grazed contentedly, its reins trailing on the ground. 42. He was nursing a sore right side, where he was grazed by a police bullet. 43. Where the reclaimed tips are not grazed by sheep, plants enter readily. 44. Being frost-hardy, they a-re often grazed off insitu through the winter, although this can cause damage to the soil structure. 45. Outside, as we drank, the animals grazed in the short grass that blanketed the hills. 46. I just barely grazed her bumper, but she's claiming I wrecked her car. 47. Longhorn cattle grazed on mesquite, and dropped the seeds along the way on drives to the north. 48. The bullet grazed the corner of the building, just missing my arm. 49. Farmers pay a small amount for use of the pasture, proportioned to the number of animals grazed there. 50. Billy grazed his knee on the sidewalk when he fell. 51. All these crops are for feeding the farm stock, the swedes often being grazed insitu during the winter. 52. Every other crop was grazed off and large quantities of well-rotted farmyard manure were returned before cereals were sown. 53. They should either be grazed insitu in the autumn or early winter or, if clamped, fed before Christmas. 54. Five minutes later Arsenal might have restored their lead when Smith grazed the outside of the far post. 55. A flock of sheep grazed in one green pasture, across the fence from a herd of contented Guernseys. 56. On her second visit, Oliver fell down on the path and grazed his knee. 57. One victim, 40, who was grazed in the knee, was treated and released. 58. Many parks were deer parks, others were grazed by cattle, sheep and horses. 59. Rotate the grazed sections and be meticulous about pasture management, especially the regular collection of droppings. 60. Following treatment, calves should be moved to pasture which has not been grazed by cattle in the same year.