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(31) There was certain sex difference in evaluation of influences from DPH on acoustic system of brainstem. (32) Objective : To explore personality test and brainstem auditory potentials ( BAEPs ) in patients with migraine. (33) Objective To investigate the distribution of the last order premotor neurons of masseter motoneurons which synapse onto the brainstem. (34) The thalamus lies between the brainstem and the hemispheres of the brain, performing a function rather like a junction or relay station. (35) Objective:To observe the influence of asphyxia on the auditognosis and brainstem function in neonates. Methods:BAEP was determined in 55 asphyxia neonates. (36) After treatment, 3 cases were yet abnormal. Conclusions:BAEP might be to comprehend the functions of periphery acoustic nerve and brainstem, is a objective index in the j... (37) METHODS 68 patients were checked and followed up by audiometer and acoustic brainstem response before and after taking gentamycin. (38) Conclusion The prognosis of severe brainstem hemorrhage is badly, but the methods of ventriculopuncture , active clinical therapy and nursing measure could improve the prognosis. (39) Objectives : To observe the influence of hyperbilirubinemia in the brainstem auditory function of neonates. (40) This sagittal section of brain demonstrates a large brainstem glioma. (41) The author believed that early treatment of low hypothermal artificial hibernation could provide remarkable protective effect for brainstem functions of patients with primary brainstem injury. (42) Auditory neuropathy, or dyssynchrony, is defined by an abnormal or absent auditory brainstem response but intact otoacoustic emissions or cochlear microphonics. (43) Conclusions:The asphyctic neonates might be damaged in the hearing and lower part of the midbrain. BAEP might be of important value in the judgement of the disorders in hearing and brainstem function. (44) Changes of brainstem auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials in late infantile form of metachromatic leukodystrophy and the diagnostic value. (45) Symptoms associated with Parkinson's can be helped by reducing acetylcholine-mediated neurotransmission in the brain, but little work has focused on brainstem muscarine receptors in this disease. (46) We describe a case of brainstem ganglioglioma in a 14-year-old boy who presented with progressive unsteady gait for one year. (47) Then the nitric oxide in serum was measured. The threshold of auditory brainstem response(ABR) and the pathological morphology of outer hair cells in the inner ear were evaluated. (48) Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of the brainstem angioreticuloma(b-ARM). (49) It is activated from the brainstem reticulospinal neurones, which in turn are controlled from diencephalon and mesencephalon with separate populations of locomotor command neurones. (50) The doctor diagnosed that his brainstem has some pathological changes, and he must be hospitalized soon. (51) Objective : To study afferent projections from the diencephalon and brainstem to the orbital cortex ( OC ) . (52) Myelination is usually present in the brainstem, thalamus[http://], and posterior limbs of the internal capsules. (53) Conclusion The reduction of GAD65 and GAD67 positive production in the aged rat auditory brainstem nuclei may be related to presbycusis. (54) Methods: NADPH diaphorase histochemistry staining and image quantitative analysis technique, combined with auditory brainstem response ( ABR ) ... (55) Abnormal signal of MRI can be observed in the brainstem and spinocerebellar tract of patients with Miller-Fisher syndrome. (56) Objective:To observe the influence of asphyxia on the auditognosis and brainstem function in neonates.