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61. Another wall of the same crystal - unbreakable by any unaided human body - stretched across the chamber close by. 62. In contrast to the ancient church, the small Methodist chapel fairly close by in Town Street, is modern. 63. They watched how he was forced to let Paul manage the navigation as he stood close by. 64. The merger is expected to close by the end of September 2000. 65. Close by are woods where, so we were told, there would be a chance of seeing red squirrels. 66. In my half awake state I heard a shell coming over very low and exploding close by. 67. They held for seconds, their gasping suddenly drowned by heavy machine gun fire ending with a scream from somewhere close by. 68. He must be close by. 69. Did a new hairdressing shop open close by? 70. Injun Joe's bowie - knife lay close by, its blade broken in two. 71. Nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day. 72. Glis and his family to also be guests in their homes so that they could show him around there and take him and his family to visit Disney World, which is close by where they live. 73. A small gray-haired lady standing close by said softly, "Remember The Little Engine That Could. 74. The JV is ordered to close by law for having violated laws and decrees. 75. Articles made using Hakone marquetry are some of the most popular souvenir items for tourists in this area close by Mount Fuji. 76. Ovary grows about 2 millimeter, 5 rooms, close by scale, style is more staminal long, without wool and scale. 77. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently. 78. I want a place close by, or at least on a convenient bus route. 79. The acquisition, to "supercharge" the Android mobile OS, has the approval of both companies' boards and is expected to close by the end of this year or early 2012. 80. You're stargazing with your girl (or guy), when a flash lights up the night sky, rather close by "galactically" speaking. 81. Male topi will also chase topi calves in a fake show of anger, to get their mothers and other females to stay close by. 82. A simple pleasure may be close by or just a memory away. 83. Still fearful of the wild dogs close by, the waterbuck tried to return to the island. 84. O.K., it has to be close by, because I had it right before I was hunting around on all fours in front of the liquor cabinet. 85. Today I have moved my seat close by the French window. 86. He pointed to a dilapidated old vehicle that was parked close by. 87. The army of Macedon stands close by, and must be considered a threat. 88. Piscina Manna Natural Park is close by and the nearest beach is just two miles away. 89. He added that Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's second in command, was also living in a house close by somewhere in the country's mountainous border regions. 90. One of them, Joseph of Arimathea, had had a tomb carved for himself in the cliffs close by the "place of the skull, " Golgotha; it could be sealed with a heavy stone that could be rolled.