快好知 kuaihz

(31) He was honest: he wrote his debt in the departmental notebook on the draining board. (32) He fell heavily on to the road, his eyes bulging wide with fear as he felt his life-blood draining away. (33) Bouldry said the wooden awning was also weighted with snow and water draining from a larger steel roof overhead. (34) The kitchen was also easier to tidy up as there were no dishes heaped on the draining board. (35) These are the monuments to generations of individual farmers ploughing and draining their fields. (36) Many campaigners feel that chimps for scientific purposes should be bred in captivity, to avoid draining the wild resources. (37) Haze says his plan would help small businesses without draining the public purse. (38) The other is more useful and is, in fact, the only way of draining the hot water cylinder. (39) By setting this rate a good deal above inflation, the Fed is putting a high price on money, draining liquidity. (40) Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 45 minutes. Remove meat from pot[http://], draining liquid. (41) This was needed as the heat was draining the walkers very quickly. (42) Then tapping it on the draining board she picked up a cube and pressed it against the wound. (43) Already, 1,150 people emigrate each week, draining Hong Kong's talent, wealth and middle-class ballast. (44) There to the west of us, look, the washes all seem to be draining away to the southwest. (45) There were two wounds, one abdominal and one perineal with a tube drain in place draining into a bag. (46) At Wanlockhead, to the south, the Straitsteps mine remains include a primitive water-powered beam engine for draining the mine. (47) It was appalling and ridiculous, and this inner battle was draining away what little strength she had left. (48) From the one narrow window the daylight was draining away. (49) The draining of mental and physical strength which might come from fighting and sinking in a wild sea, physically and spiritually. (50) To save draining the cistern, make a bung from polyethylene sheeting and cloth and hold it against the outlet. (51) Two colours so acidic and draining that only Timmy Mallett can survive them, and still look like a vat of coleslaw. (52) But this dark, draining story, which could have done with some cheerier moments, is a lot more stylish than that. (53) Draining a vast, barren watershed whose rains usually come in deluges, its sediment volume was phenomenal. (54) Management by inertia is such a draining and wasteful approach that you must be prepared to resist its consequences with vigour. (55) And his small capital was draining away with the extra expense of Amy, Timmy and even the cats. (56) On the draining board sat the mug she had been drinking from earlier, and Lucas's and Dale's vodka tumblers. (57) Rincewind felt his will draining away like water from a sieve. (58) He held her with those ice-blue pools for what seemed an eternity, draining her resistance, mesmerising her. (59) Meanwhile, the draining of the small rivers for irrigation has lowered the water table in the region. (60) Clive felt delicate feelers worming through his mind, draining his pain, his fear.