international law造句61 There do exist international law regarding expropriation and compensation.
62 Ne bis in idem is an important principle of international law, which has greatly developed throughout international justice.
63 Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law?
64 His basic degree is Mechanical Engineering. He has a diploma in Industrial Administration and Management, a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and LLB (International Law).
65 In addition, international law prohibits as war crimes those attacks directed against personnel involved in a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission.
66 Jessup is a well-known international moot court competition on international law whereby teams from law schools all over the world compete in Washington D.
67 Increasingly in the twentieth century international law is being declared by judicial decision.
68 BITs are an anomaly in public international law because they grant private investors the right to bring claims before an international arbitration tribunal.
69 Hanoi says both incidents occurred well within the 200 nautical miles guaranteed to Vietnam as an exclusive economic zone by international law.
70 In modern international law, treaties are an important carrier to create customary international law.
71 As an emerging legal branch, WTO law overlaps with the traditional international law, international economic law, international trade law, meanwhile, constitutes a dynamic legal branch.
72 Introduced ofofsources of law , international project financing risk control of the basic international law - like state.
73 From the very beginning, public international law has been greatly influenced by ancient Roman Law.
74 According to the tradition of private international law, the applicable law that the parties choose must be municipal law.
75 But only now is that birth being refused all guardianship, in defiance of international law.
76 International law possesses the attributes of norm and coerce, which are the common natures of law.
77 Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law.
78 Thereof it is of practical significance for re-examining the marine fishing principle of the customary international law.
79 Core International Crimes and Ordinary International Crimes stem from the customary international law or conventional international law, and they are all stipulated by some treaties.
80 The French appealed to the PCIJ arguing that Turkey had violated international law, because, France said, only the flag state has jurisdiction over criminal incidents on the high seas.
81 It is very difficult to separate completely International law and national law 's own legal. The demarcation line between international law and national law is becoming smudgy.
82 Japan's private international law has complete system and remarkable character in choice of laws.
83 All parties must work together to resolve differences through peaceful, multilateral efforts consistent with customary international law.
84 Consistent with customary international law, legitimate claims to maritime space in the South China Sea should be derived solely from legitimate claims to land features.
85 Secretarial experience with an international law firm, accounting firm or Multinational Corporation preferred.
86 AFFIRMING that matters not regulated by this Protocol continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law.
87 This is a universally accepted principle of international law that the territory sovereignty doesnt admit of infringement.
88 No convenient court principle theory in private international law is very big problems of a dispute.
89 Ever since, Webster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law.
90 He took Private International Law as an elective course this semester.