stemmed造句31. This, of course, stemmed from the property boom of the period.
32. Whether this was congenital, stemmed from growing up around a grocery store, or nerve induced, she sometimes wondered.
33. Working through this despair, which stemmed from early childhood, was a long and painful task.
34. Its difficulties have partly stemmed from cuts in Medicaid, but also from political interference.
35. This small act of concealment had partly stemmed from the fact that she herself had never had money.
36. The Griffiths inquiry stemmed also from broader concerns in the provision of welfare in the late twentieth century.
37. Often the furore stemmed from audiences' unease at being plugged into a musical idiom shorn of familiar signposts.
38. Many of the problems stemmed from an inflexible accounting structure and cumbersome batch processing.
39. Government and allied forces claimed to have stemmed rebel attacks on the border towns by the end of the month.
40. This stemmed from her brother, who became vicar of Kirby Hill.
41. Their initial response to the growth of crime, which stemmed from rising unemployment and inequality, was heavy-handed and militaristic.
42. Morrissey's songwriting still stemmed from the angle of poverty and this early repertoire would last for eighteen months of success.
43. Part of the justification for censorship in the first place stemmed from competing conceptions of the priesthood.
44. Eloy said the ValuJet crash also could have stemmed from an electrical short.
45. Asked if it stemmed from his personal life, she nodded yes.
46. The Republicans' indecision over how to proceed stemmed from election-year dynamics.
47. Most of this century's scientific advances stemmed from intellectual curiosity, not a desire to patent.
48. She stemmed the flow of tears that came, knowing they would sting his body.
49. The social and economic upheavals which stemmed from the war were profound.
50. One of the classic confrontations of nineteenth-century ethnology stemmed from this very circumstance.
51. This might have stemmed from inadequate foundations, but what evidence there is suggests otherwise.
52. The first stemmed from Britain's own decline as a world power.
53. Such ferocious outbursts stemmed from 50-cial and economic circumstances which the Mahatma rarely discussed and usually underestimated.
54. Reports suggested that continuing differences over interest rates stemmed from different economic perceptions.
55. Right knowledge was a necessary safeguard against the immorality and perversion which stemmed from ignorance.
56. No satisfactory explanation of this decline has been adduced, but it seems likely to have stemmed from changes in agricultural practice.
57. Church had effectively stemmed the flood of artists. To improve upon perfection was, after all, an exercise in futility.
58. Our ship stemmed on against the current.
58.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
59. His error stemmed from carelessness.
60. This stemmed from insufficient appreciation of geochemical conditions.