remembering造句31, So learning is simply a matter of remembering what is important.
32, Remembering he didn't like grapes, she had lined up more exotic things like dates, kumquats and some out-of-season strawberries.
33, Yet it wasn't long before he was remembering that journey as the last chance he'd had to turn back.
34, We spent a long time walking through the bare rooms, remembering the games we used to play there.
35, Before the crisis drumbeat intensifies, a few facts are worth remembering.
36, It is worth remembering that there are still people in Britain today who have never been to London.
37, And yet today she had glanced again and again at her hand, and found herself remembering.
38, Her lips move constantly, as if she were remembering a text, like a Hasid at prayer.
39, We shall soon see that some good search algorithms involve remembering many states.
40, He gave a slight sardonic grunt, remembering how excited he had been in that railway carriage on his way to Carewscourt.
41, Remembering my hunch that my drink was spiked leaves me confused. Without proof I should really lay the idea to rest.
42, Remembering the kiss he had given her after breakfast it seemed as if their relationship might at long last have changed.
43, These remarks, which apply even to the recent past, are worth remembering at the outset.
44, Christina found herself remembering the way the promising young architect had first come into their lives.
45, Remembering his duty, he strode briskly up the stairs, keeping his eyes open for any suspicious signs.
46, Remembering the other woman's private income, Loretta made only a faint protest.
47, Dr. Lao has a facility for remembering names and faces.
48, He lives almost entirely in the past, remembering life before the war and during his hellish time in a concentration camp.
49, A simple method for remembering the names of the three areas is to associate them with a particular point of the body.
50, That way the general public's limited capacity for remembering the truths of any given case may not be exceeded.
51, And I felt worse, as I stumbled away, remembering Gharr's laughter when I'd struck him.
52, Mandisa alternates between recounting the events on the day of the crime and remembering the past in a series of flashbacks.
53, We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible.George Santayana
54, I sipped from a wineskin, remembering Mathilda's warm charms and waiting for Sir John to come.
55, Remembering the visit to the cotton mill, on the other hand, I can see myself watching from the polished floor.
56, Remembering that what we were experiencing was meant to be enjoyable left our wits spinning like a lawn sprinkler.
57, She was remembering yesterday evening; the argument with Isobel, Anna siding with her against Liz.
58, It is worth remembering that luck often comes to the aid of the experimenter.
59, It's also worth remembering that air conditioning increases fuel consumption by as much as ten per cent.
60, Remembering the cup in her pocket, she pressed her hand over the flap to hide it.