crabs造句1. We looked for crabs in the rock pools along the seashore.
2. We walked along the beach collecting small crabs in a bucket.
3. Crabs normally catch food with their pincers.
4. Children were looking for crabs in the rock pools.
5. Crabs and lobsters have eyes on stalks.
6. Lobsters, crabs, prawns and oysters are all shellfish.
7. The fish and crabs scavenge for decaying tissue.
8. He often crabs without cause.
9. We searched among the rocks for crabs.
10. Land crabs breathe air and cannot swim.
11. The local people regard these crabs as a great delicacy.
12. Some crabs employ an aggressive form of autotomy.
13. These crabs are found nowhere else in the world.
14. Scavenging crabs move in to feed on dead tubeworms.
15. He uses crabs for bait, the caption informs.
16. Hunger feels like pincers, like the bite of crabs, it burns, burns and has no fire.
17. The fishing was great; you could pick up crabs off the beach.
18. The small boy with us is collecting crabs from the swamp; soon he has enough to fill a big taro leaf.
19. The heron gobbled up land crabs which, without the herons, had become a pest on the islands.
20. Small hermit crabs are readily available where there is ocean water and their value as scavengers makes them worth considering.
21. These shells provide a home for the crabs and protect them from predators and the elements.
22. The giant king crabs choose nights when the tide is highest and the moon full.
23. As we walked along the seashore we saw several different sorts of seaweed and lots of tiny crabs.
24. As we walked along the seashore we saw lots of tiny crabs.
25. We take two dozen blues and a dozen of their predators, the small green crabs that are never far away.
26. At first we could see nothing so crouched on our haunches, edging forward like crabs, feeling the soft woollen carpet.
27. What soothes me is lying on my belly at the edge of the water, watching hermit crabs.
28. Con: You have to blame the gym sauna for poor hygiene when you give him crabs.
29. Not until I understood the inextricable connection between mussels and crabs was I able to see both crabs and mussels at once.
30. It houses sea snails, cockles, mussels, large fish, squid, cuttlefish, octopuses, shrimps and crabs.