shire造句1. There is also a shire horse souvenir shop.
2. Even in a single shire one can see adjacent villages where there were differences.
3. In local government, many of our shire counties and districts have led the way in raising the quality of public service.
4. A farmer is using a shire horse to pull the millstone which crushes the fruit.
5. The biggest horse is the Shire, a lot of people like to show these, with their mane and tail plaited.
6. I work in a small shire force with a special responsibility to preserve public order on Friday and Saturday nights.
7. At regular shire and hundred meetings royal orders were implemented and local affairs, including the administration of justice, transacted.
8. The total expenditure varied very much from shire to shire and from year to year.
9. These were not shire levies but professional soldiers who acted as the sheriff's posse in the pursuit of criminals.
10. Changes to the boundaries of shire counties or districts are also possible, as at present.
11. As the centre of a miniature shire, Oakham was neither populous nor wealthy.
12. Did you know that 30 Tory knights of shire and suburb are not standing at the election?
13. In 1302, for example, the shire knights were almost equally divided between new members and former representatives who had been re-elected.
14. Worcester was burnt, and the shire ravaged, but few people killed: they had fled in all directions.
15. The shire horses are direct descendants of the great war horses, and each one weighs a ton.
16. Shire difficulty became sheer impossibility after a months long battle to deselect David Abrahams, the previous candidate.
17. From the back of a barn three shire horses came thundering out - a stallion and two mares.
18. The representatives of shire and suburb had arrived on the Monday evening, and had drunk and dined exceedingly well.
19. What is lost in the hundred will found in the shire.
20. Figures showed that crime was rising more quickly in the Shire Counties and rural areas than in the major cities.
21. Mr Steward said that the bank charges no fees or premiums for Shire.
22. Our policy is to make changes to the structure of local government in the shire counties.
23. Information gathered by the national criminal intelligence service reveals a growing use of crack cocaine in the Shire counties.
24. I have a suspicion that the justifiable coverage we got in the media hardened the hearts at Shire Hall.
25. Letters under the privy seal were prepared by the thousand, and instructions were sent to the chief commissioners in each shire.
26. Read in studio Addiction to the drug crack cocaine is spreading into the shire counties.
27. Unit costs in metropolitan authorities have been consistently higher than in the shire counties.
28. Perhaps the most astonishing changes of all occur for the average changes for Shire Districts within each County.
29. Well, if I did, I'd need to sell old Blazer and buy a shire horse to carry me!
30. The extent to which a powerful magnate could dominate the shire community and act as a focus for local sentiment varied.