plotted造句61. Simple Ratios: The ratio of two primary measures is plotted against time.
62. The data plotted in Figure 3.28 clearly shows that the situation is, in fact, somewhat more complex than this.
63. Confirmed individual reservations, walk-ins or chance guests are plotted on the chart as they occur.
64. She plotted the figures on a large-scale map with the help of aerial photographs.
65. And they sat and they plotted what they should do next.
66. We therefore also plotted individual dose-response curves of log plasma gastrin against the basal-subtracted acid output.
67. She plotted a new method to kill Snow White: with a poisoned comb.
68. At lunchtime, when everyone was brewing up, the navigator plotted all those little legs on to a map.
69. To determine the most appropriate international marketing strategy, products could be plotted on a chart similar to that below.
70. When the orbital period is plotted as a function of time it shows a steady decrease:.
71. Vesey, a literate free black, plotted the only large-scale city revolt during the history of slavery in the United States.
72. Copy numbers of Ea genes are plotted on the x-axis and Ea expression is plotted on the y-axis.
73. Hence, neither the historical dynamics of myths nor their impact upon present culture can be traced with confidence or systematically plotted.
74. Instead, the number of adverse outcomes is plotted against the total number of cases on a graph.
75. And as the dying merchant prince lay in bed, he plotted his last great strategy for the enhancement of Seattle.
76. The fact may stand out in higher relief if the residuals are plotted against the fitted values.
77. Throughout the winter, Kea and Kathy had plotted strategies to gain the Working Groups wider acceptance in the parish.
78. Once this map has been plotted, interventions can be specifically targeted at particular areas.
79. Fig. 3.8 shows the percentage abundance of complete bones for the humerus plotted against the femur.
80. At 0700, they plotted a large group of aircraft about 130 miles away and closing fast.
81. Burial histories have been plotted at several well locations based on a stratigraphic interpretation of well and seismic data.
82. In between these two poles, many other trends can be plotted.
83. The data for risk ratings and accident estimates were considered separately and are plotted in Figures 4.1 and 4.2 respectively.
84. Here we plotted how we might keep the peace when venturing beyond the wrought-iron gates.
85. According to others, she and some friends had plotted to kidnap her.
86. Finally, if income were plotted against another interval level variable, the relationship would almost certainly be curved rather than straight.
87. The same data are plotted in b but the species are categorised into three different life styles denoted by different symbols.
88. For R N transitions they should have plotted the north magnetic pole.
89. Prosecutors say the suspects plotted the killing after Zamora found out that Graham had had a fling with Jones.
90. Never try to fit a line before you have plotted the data to see if it is a sensible thing to do.