numbers造句241. Round numbers are always false.Samuel Johnson
242. Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare.Rene Descartes
243. Price ain't merely about numbers. It's a satisfying sacrifice.Toba Beta
244. Among wild creatures rarity is a relative condition, not always determined on the basis of actual numbers.
245. It's clearly a budget. It's got lots of numbers in it.George W. Bush
246. The first thing, therefore, is to believe in yourself and in your ability to work with numbers.
247. First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII - and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure.Douglas Adams
248. It's important in small conferences where there are limited numbers moving slowly, but for bigger events it's absolutely crucial.
249. The actual numbers of surviving big mammals are astoundingly small-grizzly bears in the lower forty-eight states can be counted in the hundreds.
250. Foster's office bookcase contains about equal numbers of books on chemistry and on accountancy.
251. Because not all catches were reported, the actual numbers caught were probably even higher.
252. The numbers of acute beds that a service needs has long been a contentious issue.
253. Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.Mother Teresa
254. The numbers refer only to mergers of large companies where assets worth over 5 are acquired through the merger.
255. In actual fact, we do know now a great deal more than when the numbers game began.
256. These should have the capacity for absorbing large numbers of people from nearby towns.
257. Look for percentages which are shown without the original absolute numbers.
258. Once in a while, the numbers fall, the abacus clicks into a pattern.
259. I got some phone numbers out of the Salvation Army yesterday.
260. But it is publicly acknowledged that these numbers, which represent people who have put themselves forward for testing, are underestimates.
261. To accommodate such large numbers, visitors were asked to arrive at different times, all carefully co-ordinated to avoid a jam.
262. The numbers in square brackets are the absolute numbers, given to illustrate the incidence of both in the data.
263. I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done.Steven Wright
264. Drove roads have wide verges originally to accommodate large numbers of animals on the move.
265. The Highlands has one of the highest suicide rates in the country and is plagued by huge numbers of fatal accidents.
266. The same was true for nearly half of the 30 occupations adding the most jobs in absolute numbers.
267. The numbers and proportions of those economically active in a sample of developed countries are shown in Table 1.5.
268. Often elected officials prefer to ignore bad news, so they question the accuracy of the numbers.
269. In principle, platform numbers should be kept to an absolute minimum.
270. First, they tell us only about absolute numbers of drug users or drug-related events, and not about population rates.