removing造句31. The tests often have beneficial results by removing some of the anxiety about the possibility of any abnormality.
32. And removing it would be like asking the local council to continue its work with one hand tied behind its back.
33. Ideally some one in the ferreting party will be given the task of removing each rabbit as soon as it is caught up.
34. He specialises in removing bags under the eyes and tightening the eyelids to produce a more youthful look.
35. Quite simply, he placed a higher priority on removing the existing regime than on forestalling a military intervention.
36. Removing a plug of turf with the planter and replacing it with a pot-grown cowslip takes seconds.
37. Wear a face mask when removing this type of system.
38. The university authorities did not wish to provoke the students by forcibly removing the posters.
39. Algae can be fought by removing the causes of development of the specific groups.
40. The solution is to abolish drug patents and publicly fund medical research, thus entirely removing the profit consideration.
41. This can often be balanced by temporary exposure of skin, e.g. lowering an anorak hood or removing one or both gloves.
42. It has reverse action which is basically used for removing debris and jammed drill bits.
43. Teresa Proehl of Fremont had a rare and painful condition that could be cured by surgically removing a kidney.
44. By selectively removing certain males and females he tested various theories about why more males did not have multiple wives.
45. By bribery - all men are corruptible - and by removing permanently any so-called idealists who stand in our way.
46. Unfortunately small animals such as hedgehogs can get entangled in the net, and removing it to pick the fruit can be tricky.
47. Diane Chalmers, senior home care manager, says councillors and staff recognised that removing the service would be a false economy.
48. Some strains of bees prevent the spread of the disease by removing the rotting larvae.
49. In less fertile and inaccessible regions, introducing free market forces and removing state subsidies brought poverty instead of wealth.
50. Dealers will no longer need to buy to cover themselves, removing one factor that has supported prices.
51. For recognizing the restraints and limitations of the old policies is not at all the same as removing them.
52. If the purists object to removing a slate roof and replacing it, then tough.
53. Yet with the help of the DoE they are now prepared to pay almost £300,000 removing it.
54. Bird lovers reacted badly to earlier attempts to control the birds by poisoning them and removing nests.
55. He was removing his thick leather belt with one hand and struggling with one of her buttons.
56. By removing the mystique immediately, you avoid the excruciatingly embarrassing guesswork by all and sundry.
57. Washing white is a longer process of removing the dirt and stains.
58. After removing the tape, pare away any surplus adhesive with a razor blade.
59. Stir well, cover and cook over low heat 45 minutes, removing cover and stirring at 15-minute intervals.
60. The churches themselves began reorganizing their affairs, often removing those officials who had close contact with the previous regime.