快好知 kuaihz

(31) Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing. (32) I had a very high-powered senior job in publishing. (33) Frustrated writers often end up in publishing. (34) After teaching for ten years he moved into publishing. (35) She is publishing a history of the war period. (36) He became a mythic figure in publishing. (37) Who coined the phrase "desktop publishing"? (38) a job with a publishing company. (39) He accused the press of publishing vicious calumnies. (40) I never knew you were in publishing. (41) She's a senior editor in the reference department of a publishing company. (42) The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs. (43) The eighties were a period of great change in publishing. (44) The book has enjoyed a success unparalleled in recent publishing history. (45) It took her ten years to build up her publishing business. (46) As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book. (47) The newspaper made the bold move/took the bold step of publishing the names of the men involved. (48) The hunt is on for potential employees with experience of electronic publishing. (49) It's difficult to get a foot in the door of publishing. (50) Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market. (51) The books have been a publishing sensation on both sides of the Atlantic. (52) Her publishing career started as an editorial assistant on a women's magazine and it was onward and upward from there. (53) The two companies are attempting to carve up a large slice of America's publishing industry between them. (54) The professor stands accused of stealing his student's ideas and publishing them. (55) Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house. (56) They were skating on very thin ice, publishing the election result before it had been confirmed. (57) You don't think the paper's a bit out of order in publishing it? (58) a job in publishing. (59) The government has sought an injunction preventing the paper from publishing the story. (60) The newspaper claimed public interest immunity when threatened with prosecution for publishing the story .