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61. Abstract: Purpose : To probe into the method of surgical of BPH with inguinal hernia. 62. Objective To summarize therapeutic effect and experience of 120 patients with inguinal hernia treated by laparoscopic total extraperitoneal inguinal hernioplasty. 63. Erosive esophagitis and hiatal hernia were identified in 18 and 70 patients, respectively. 64. Objective To explore the merits of polypropylene mesh patch repairment for inguinal hernia local anesthesia. 65. Objective: To compare the diagnostic value of X-ray and endoscopy in hiatus hernia and their value of application. 66. Methods: The data of 15 cases with adult inguinal hernia operated by TEP were analyzed retrospectively. 67. Objective To study the method for treatment of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhagic cerebral hernia ( HIHCH ). 68. Conclusions Barium contrast study seems to be the best method in diagnosing hiatus hernia. 69. Objective Introduced micro - laparoscopy in the treatment of the application indirect inguinal hernia in children. 70. Objective To explore the nursing measures for laparoscopic high ligation for indirect inguinal hernia in children. 71. Conclusion:Upper gastrointestinal radiography showed hiatal hernia can be a good change in the diagnosis of the disease has an irreplaceable value of the certainty. 72. Objective To investigate the acid reflux in children with hiatal hernia (HH) and the characteristic of reflux among different types of HH. 73. Objective To evaluate the effect of polypropene mesh on abdominal incisional hernia repair. 74. To study the reasons and preventive methods of misdiagnosis on acute traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. 75. Objective To investigate the reasonable repair patterns for the tension - free hernioplasty of femoral hernia. 76. Inguinal bladder hernia is a rare clinical condition, reported in 1 to 4 % of inguinal hernia cases. 77. He got a hernia when he tried to lift 100 pounds. 78. Conclusion The x-ray photography is necessary to the diaphragm hernia before the surgical therapy. 79. Objective To summary the experience of diagnosis and treatment of incarcerated inguinal hernia in newborns. 80. Recurrent episodes occur in some oesophageal diseases includinghiatus hernia, stricture, achalasia of the cardia,[Sentence dictionary] and in patients with diverticula or pharyngeal pouch. 81. A hiatal hernia (a common term for GERD) may be present in many patients who suffer from GERD, but may not cause symptoms of heartburn. 82. Conclusions Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy for inguinal hernia after peritoneal dialysis is feasible, effective, and safe. 83. Objective To explore the operative result of intrarectal proctoptosis accompanying hernia of pelvic floor due to common outlet obstructive constipation(OOC). 84. Due to more serious trauma and more complications, the transthoracic surgery should not be used in patients with sliding hiatus hernia. 85. Methods: 80 emergency cases of severe craniocerebral injury complicated with tentorium cerebelli hiatus hernia were included in this study for statistical analysis on fatality rate. 86. The paper has summarized the diagnosis and Treatment methods of calf umbilical hernia in clinic features, differential diagnosis and treatment measures. 87. Objective To probe clinical effects of laparoscopic repair-procedure of esophageal hiatal hernia and laparoscopic fundoplication for treating esophageal hiatal hernia. 88. To explore operative indication and surgical management of sliding esophageal hiatal hernia . 89. Objective To discuss the treatment experience of acute traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. 90. Conclusion: This method , with low relapse rate, is simple and effective operation for Inguinal hernia.