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far left造句
31. The time delay fuse is at the far left; square stars are in the left compartments; and the bursting charge extends through from the fuse to the black lift powder at right. 32. You can also remove the far left cable at this point. 33. The May 4 sample (far left), collected by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Ala. 34. He then went on to attack the rest of the press for "rhapsodic" coverage of Obama and described the New York Times as "as far left as you can get". 35. Training for the Meuse crossings: a unit of the 7th Panzer Division at the Moselle in early 1940. Erwin Rommel, the division's commander, is in the peaked cap on the far left. 36. Put another way, matching starts at the far left of the index key and proceeds rightward. 37. Mount St. Helens, flanked by Mount Adams (far left) and Mount Hood, is settling fitfully back into the volcanic landscape.