快好知 kuaihz

working hours造句
1. Don't lounge away your working hours. 2. Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. 3. We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours. 4. What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are. 5. The union is in dispute with management over working hours. 6. Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more leisure time . 7. Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours. 8. Some increase in working hours may soon be needed. 9. Many mothers prefer flexible working hours . 10. You may do as you wish outside working hours. 11. My working hours are 9 to 5. 12. Hard-pressed junior doctors want shorter working hours. 13. They are lounging away their working hours. 14. We are open during normal working hours. 15. Long working hours are very disruptive to home life. 16. Telephone at any time during normal working hours. 17. People want to have more discretion over their working hours. 18. Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise! 19. The new working hours aroused a lot of ill feeling at the factory. 20. The long working hours put a severe strain on employees. 21. Flexible working hours could give working parents more time to spend with their children. 22. The new working hours aroused a lot of bad feeling at the factory. 23. The new policy of shorter working hours will serve to take the sting out of the pay cut. 24. I'm not concerned with what you do outside working hours. 25. The new working hours caused a lot of bad feeling among workers. 26. A lot of people protested about the new working hours. 27. You must balance the high salary against the long working hours. 28. We made representations to the boss about the long working hours. 29. Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonisation of their working hours. 30. The decision to introduce job sharing grew out of a general desire for flexible working hours.