快好知 kuaihz

1. They were being unnecessarily pedantic by insisting that Berry himself, and not his wife, should have made the announcement. 2. She kept insisting on her innocence. 3. He issued a press statement insisting on his innocence. 4. She kept insisting on her innocence / insisting that she was innocent. 5. The church has broken the agreement, by insisting all employees must be practising Christians. 6. The Kremlin is still insisting on a diplomatic solution to the crisis. 7. He died in 1987, insisting to the last he was innocent. 8. Croydon Corporation were insisting on specially dressed stone setts. 9. Hodgskin expounded a minimalist conception of the state, insisting that government tended to shackle the energies and liberties of individuals. 10. Park officials defended their care of Yaka, insisting she died of natural causes after a lengthy illness. 11. This he did, insisting that Mr Bangemann's remarks reflected his own personal views. 12. But insisting on her promise, he led her up the cliff, on to the prairie, and away. 13. He shrouded their work in mystery, insisting that no outsider be told what they were up to. 14. He allegedly refused to treat the boy, insisting that he should be taken to hospital. 15. He would accept 20% of these offerings insisting that the bulk he kept for children and dependents. 16. Brown died in 1987, insisting to the last he was innocent. 17. In these circumstances the Committee felt justified in insisting that the new requirement be met. 18. The blasted Fabian Society was insisting on a postal ballot of all its members there. 19. He began thumping the table and insisting the paper install experienced management. 20. My insisting that you own full responsibility has absolutely nothing to do with gender at all. 21. After one recent ad campaign the chairman of Mexfam stepped down, insisting that Mexfam adopt a lower profile. 22. The two countries have been criticised in recent months for insisting on maintaining sanctions in spite of the catastrophic impact on civilians. 23. In practice the administrative shift away from environmentalism was much less dramatic than ideologues like Newman were insisting. 24. Buthelezi for his part had frequently called for such a meeting, insisting on meeting Mandela on an equal footing. 25. First Henman split from his long-time coach David Felgate, with both parties insisting it was an amicable parting. 26. This is a textbook example of how Hollywood undermines its best ideas, by insisting on happy endings, even when they are completely implausible. 27. Negotiations for the player's £60,000 transfer to Parkhead are ongoing with Bangor insisting that Byrne plays out the season here. 28. She was eighty-three years old but was now stubbornly insisting that she was only fifty-seven and in the prime of life. 29. This endorsement should not be applied where the policyholder has fitted the locks without us insisting on them. 30. Her husband, however, became extremely insistent and started following her and insisting that she must sign the papers.