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31. Used knife chopin order to make it more tender. 32. Piano poet Frederic Francois Chopin combined them perfectly. 33. Frederic Chopin stayed in this room during his visit. 34. Maupassant 's novel in translation, Chopin take his model. 35. Won't you please play me some Chopin? 36. People began to think of her as a great talent. Isadora Duncan began using the music of Chopin, Strauss, Tchaikovsky, and Wagner in her performances. 37. We thought it a bit thick when she said she would play Chopin. 38. Chopin joined Franz Liszt, Hector Berlioz, Felix Mendelssohn, Vincenzo Bellini, and Auguste Franchomme, all proponents of the "new" Romantic style. 39. Chopin has been called by some " a universal genius. " 40. The third part focuses on Chopin Polonaise creative writing background music for a detailed performance analysis and interpretation. 41. The Awakening is the representative work of Kate Chopin, an American women writer. 42. In this article, I trace back the history of nocturn and make analysis to his OP. 9, then discuss how Chopin succefully inherited from tradition while carrying forward this style at the same time. 43. In the novel The Awakening Kate Chopin describes the personal development of the heroine Edna. 44. Berlioz, the master orchestrator, is remembered for his orchestration . chopin is remembered for his piano compositions. 45. In 1870 she married Oscar Chopin, the son of a prominent Creole family from Louisiana. 46. You have heard the story "A Pair of Silk Stockings" by Kate Chopin. 47. Won't you please play me some Chopin [ some Chopin for me ]? 48. Poland also organized wonderful events in China marking the bicentenary of Frederic Chopin. 49. We listened to him play a piece by Chopin on the piano. 50. To develop a more singing legato , Chopin made use of new rhythms which required a more flexible and freer use of the fingers. 51. In fact, Bellini was one of Frederic Chopin’s favorite composers. 52. Kate Chopin is one of and remarkable writers in the world literature. 53. The first part a brief account of the author Kate Chopin and her masterpiece The Awakening. 54. The music teacher comes twice each week to bridge the awful gap between dorothy and chopin. 55. Chopin, whose works are world - famous , composed some of his music in this room. 56. In his early years Chopin showed himself very sensitive to music. 57. Kate Chopin, an American feminist writer, fully expressed her thinking in Edna, the heroine in The Awakening. 58. Lex : Chopin? I always thought you found him to be too sentimental. 59. Chopin, "the poet of the piano, " was as great an innovation in the pianistic world as Liszt, whose dazzling spectacular virtuosity was the antithesis of Chopin's more refined genius. 60. Finally, I have time to relax, sleep and continue to compile my Chopin Etudes discography .