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31. Remus was not an Animagus; he was a werewolf; it was his monthly transformation into a wolf that earned him the nickname " Moony " and provided the impetus for the others to become Animagi. 32. Werewolf: The original werewolf of classical mythology, Lycaon, a king of Arcadia who, according to Ovid's Metamorphoses, was turned into a ravenous wolf by Zeus. 33. Humanity has managed to grasp the concept of the werewolf only partially. 34. Fighting a war while remembering to take Wolfsbane Potion to avoid the nastier effects of his monthly transformation into a werewolf will be tricky. 35. Effects: While this potion can't cure lycanthropy , it does prevent the extremely dangerous dementia which accompanies the transformation from human into werewolf. 36. One of the many exploits Gilderoy Lockhart claimed to have performed was to have defeated the Wagga Wagga Werewolf (CS10). 37. A werewolf changes form when the moon is full. Mostly false.