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61. She sat up, hugging her wrapper close to her , her eyes searching his face. 62. Body hugging triple segmented backrest , combinde with height adjustable T - armrests and user adjustable tilting mechanism. 63. You cannot get HIV by shaking hands or hugging, nor can you get it from a toilet seat, drinking fountain, or drinking glasses, says Weidle. 64. These adorable tree - hugging animals feed on eucalyptus tree leavers. 65. Soon Marge arrives with Vernon , hugging Dudley while planting a twenty - pound note in his hand. 66. The 27-year-old man and his 26-year-old girlfriend would sit in their car, passionately hugging and kissing to lull passers-by who may otherwise have suspected them of loitering, Ansa said. 67. Walrus mothers are extremely nurturing, constantly hugging and nuzzling their babies. 68. But in the end, Lulu did it, snuggling with and hugging her mother afterward, and wowing other parents at a piano recital a few weeks later. 69. Pulling yourself upright and hugging her tight for that special heart-to-heart moment is an added bonus with this sex position. 70. Miss Meadows, hugging the knife , stared in hatred at the Science Mistress. 71. The small boat is hugging the shore because of the rain and wind. 72. Some parents came hugging framed photographs and dog-eared achievement awards, placing them on the spot where their children died under heaps of broken concrete. 73. But if you are afraid of being misunderstood, verbalize your feelings to the person you're hugging. 74. He grabbed the ball and fell on the ground hugging it. 75. Constructed from body hugging, double layer neoprene, the thin-skinned but protective padding of this slick sleeve isolates your digital camera from life's hard knocks and cutting edge dangers. 76. Could this Lost Boy even understand the difference between hugging and fondling, affection and assault, generosity and lechery ? 77. I know I cannot go around inappropriately hugging people but I've got desensitised to touch. 78. They sat, silently hugging their knees, engrossed in their individual thoughts. 79. These two men became friends by handshaking and hugging with each other. 80. But I have seen them hugging and sucking the manky , unhygienic plastic junk that all children have. 81. They are physically affectionate. Loving couples indulge in handholding, hugging and cuddling. 82. This waist - hugging dress sets off her slimness and grace. 83. They kept shivering beneath the buffalo robes and hugging each other. 84. She clung to him, hugging him hard , her wet check to his. 85. If you see patches of acid yellow flowers, single flowers on short stems almost hugging the ground, they are winter aconite. 86. His style of intimacy is all about massaging, hugging, and billing and cooing. 87. Cindy and Martin are hugging each other and jumping around the house. 88. Hugging her arms across her chest , little Dana asked, " Do you smell that? " 89. Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? 90. We straggle behind our years , hugging our childhood as if we could not tear ourselves away.