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court order造句
(1) Her lawyer is challenging the legality of the court order. (2) His computer was seized under a court order. (3) He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery. (4) She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals. (5) The government obtained a court order requiring the editor to reveal his source. (6) She sought a court order to have the partnership dissolved. (7) The court order divests the company of all its assets. (8) She tried to get a court order to prevent him from coming near her. (9) A court order failed to stop her going public with the story. (10) Her parents obtained their second court order. (11) Eviction without a court order is a criminal offence. (12) She also got a court order for maintenance. (13) He could have got a court order. (14) In granting the county court order, Judge Geoffrey Vos said the families' affidavits showed they feared for their children. (15) A court order would simply bar the attorneys from releasing the transcripts. (16) A court order freezing proceedings will expire on November the ninth. (17) Construction is proceeding despite an interim court order restraining the company from putting it into commission. (18) She was not empowered by a court order or conservatorship to place him there. (19) Lastly, breach of such an undertaking or court order will amount to a contempt of court. (20) She said he had not complied with a court order, issued in late 1993[.com], to pay her. (21) The department said the company violated a 1995 court order the government obtained to bar the company from anticompetitive licensing practices. (22) Creditors have applied for a court order to take over and sell the building. (23) The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order. (24) The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order. (25) The judge issued a contempt citation against the woman for violating a previous court order. (26) This includes an unmarried father whether or not he has acquired parental responsibility for the child by court order or agreement. (27) According to reports in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Marino said a court order to stop the procedure may be sought. (28) Read in studio A farmer who's been banned from keeping livestock for fifteen years has denied breaking the court order. (29) The school board, stymied, asked the federal court for an exemption from contempt proceedings for not executing the court order. (30) Appeals to the county court Proceedings commenced in the wrong county court Order 16, r 2 applies.