varying造句31. Everyone knows that there are various formats and varying degrees of emphasis on management and work force.
32. Many large cities are built on slopes at seaside with varying elevations.
33. Two Royal Navy Lynx helicopters made repeated flybys at varying heights, from different directions and at different speeds.
34. A source of silver much exploited in early times was lead sulphide, most notably galena,[http:///varying.html] containing varying proportions of silver.
35. They do this by coating a metal electrode with the polymer and then varying the voltage applied to the metal.
36. Now play some music and observe the l.e.d. - it should be seen to be varying in brightness gently with the music.
37. These all suffered damage, in the Second World War, varying from partial to almost total destruction.
38. Within his earshot there were scores of tins in different states of fullness and with varying resonance.
39. All creatures contain, within themselves, their own individual characteristics of mind and being, determining their varying levels of intelligence.
40. They penetrate south to varying degrees, blue and minke whales often appearing well south of the pack ice edge.
41. It is a gradual, continuously varying effect on how far you can walk, and how fast.
42. Varying quantities of these colours can be blended to produce very high quality colour output.
43. Both reports constitute posthoc analyses of data on several thousand patients followed up for varying periods at regional hypertension clinics.
44. We can expect such systems to show varying degrees of ability to acclimatize.
45. Transportation, communications, and electric and other utilities are illustrations of industries which are regulated in varying degrees.
46. The majestic castle walls, with their varying bands of stone, were modelled on the walls of Constantinople.
47. Beats varying by social class might mean a different perception.
48. Whatever the varying demands on her time, Laura was determined not to delegate print research.
49. All four were talented musicians and difficult people, in varying degrees.
50. Some hotels programme their canned music in twenty-four hour cycles, varying by location and the hour.
51. There are beaches of rounded grey basalt pebbles of varying sizes elsewhere around the island.
52. Moreover, students in colleges encompass a wide age range and exhibit very varying academic abilities and communication skills.
53. The first is, yes, to show appreciation and respect - which various people require in varying degrees.
54. In the womenswear industry, designers can offer panache without absurdity through color, varying hemlines, adornment and more.
55. Radio ownership regulations are also eased by the bill, with varying limits depending on market size.
56. To achieve any measure of integration requires a confidence and a breadth of understanding which teachers possess in varying degrees.
57. Both the above quotations refer to severe learning difficulties but of course severe is a term open to varying interpretations.
58. It was also where criminals could be questioned, with varying degree, away from the more public places.
59. Spawning takes place with varying frequency throughout the breeding season.
60. Consumers, investors and workers have all threatened corporate profit in different ways, with varying degrees of success.