human beings造句121. The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds.Albert Schweitzer
122. Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.Aldous Huxley
123. But Night Trap could not be exempted because it depicted violent actions involving realistic images of human beings rather than straight forward computer graphics.
124. There could not be more genuine worth in human beings in Canon Wheeler's judgement.
125. The principals are shown not as grand legends but as fallible, unpredictable human beings.
126. You are dealing with people who brought their children to witness the murder of black human beings, falsely accused of rape.
127. Human beings are not rational agents. Who wants to be a millionaire?
128. Secondly, central bankers, like other human beings, can take the wrong decisions.
129. He gave the impression of being perpetually amused by, and yet far above, the foibles of fellow human beings.
130. It is clear that the destination of post-mortem existence was a world other than and different from the world human beings inhabit.
131. Human beings generally consider life to function best when that ratio of male to female is relatively even.
132. This formulation would be acceptable if the analysis were to cover only perceiving by human beings.
133. It is reason, he argued, that is the distinguishing feature of human beings as against other examples of creation.
134. Human beings experience emotions, control their actions and, as we saw with violence, define social situations.
135. Such a system would be appropriate if human beings were made like cars on an automated production line.
136. Sharing in such a personal faith gives unity to the diversity of human beings, bringing us together with others.
137. I asked some human beings, people who had studied the subject for years, and they did not know.
138. In so far as material conditions were more unpleasant, so human beings were more unpleasant.
139. Studies of action are concerned with the subjective meaning attached to actions by human beings.
140. The justice game was never designed to be played between human beings and these corporate leviathans.
141. This lack of genuine relationships with other human beings is characteristic of the unreality of Capitol Hill.
142. He was approaching a state of exhilaration, a state which can be achieved only by human beings blinded to context.
143. Human beings have no predators except great white sharks and one another, but they have lots of parasites.
144. Flames belch from the wreckage, degenerate human beings scrabble for survival, the screen is dark and the aspect brooding.
145. Nature is said to abhor a vacuum; human beings abhor complexity. 3.
146. If human beings took up the challenge, their response would lay the foundations of civilization.
147. Normally a language is developed by human beings from guttural sounds that eventually become verbal symbols for objects and actions.
148. They shaped the destinies of human beings, but human beings were only one of their
149. The deeply symbolic ritual act of treading the earth affirms the relationship of human beings to their native soil.
150. The new exhibit reminds us that human beings are fascinated with people-watching.