vested interest造句31. Even though the white woman is oppressed herself, she has a vested interest in apartheid.
32. They are often fiercely competitive, and have a vested interest in establishing a reputation for reliability to both employees and employers.
33. Of course, newspapers have a vested interest in opposing VAT on the written word.
34. After all, supporters have a vested interest in ground safety and comfort.
35. The agent also has a vested interest in keeping the event's costs at a minimum.
36. Both were professional people with a vested interest in helping people - a doctor and a Baptist minister.
37. This is made doubly difficult where there is a concurrent struggle for power among vested interest groups and individuals.
38. Professional journals support and represent a vested interest and run information about that which affects that interest.
39. We have no vested interest in this respect.
40. The harm of vested interest group is complex.
41. Based on the situation of international socialist movement and national socialist construction, it is possible to form vested interest group inside socialist party in power.
42. The uninformed American public has developed a vested interest in their condemnation of Mary.
43. Vested interest groups are responsible for the creation of policy.
44. In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves.
45. Over the years, my curiosity has led me talk to folk who don't have an axe to grind or a vested interest in marketing's explanations of how things work.
46. Quorum The minimum acceptable level of individuals with a vested interest in a company needed to make the proceedings of a meeting valid under the corporate charter.
47. But drug companies have a vested interest in disease - mongering.
48. These countries see freedom of speech and access to information as minor issues comparatively, but the big juntas and dictators have a vested interest in keeping the hoi polloi uninformed.
49. They have a vested interest in keeping the club as exclusive as possible.
50. "The heretics were persecuted ... because their beliefs threatened the vested interest of that day" (James Harvey Robinson).