projected造句(91) A major factor influencing this change is the projected trend in CO2 emissions.
(92) There is a slight allowance for error in the projected costs.
(93) Examining past, present, and projected student enrollments in one district, the school board voted to dismiss four teachers.
(94) The third storey of the town gaol was pierced by a doorway over which projected a beam.
(95) The center had projected a $38,000 shortfall for its $6.47 million budget.
(96) This aggression may be projected on to others, e.g., middle management, or turned back upon himself.
(97) Pilkington, whose energy saving glass is projected to be worth more than £100 million a year by the late 1990s.
(98) The trick is to meet the target projected for the current fiscal year and to do this by 15 October.
(99) Wright's character is in effect a projected reader registering bewilderment before an artefact which has abandoned conventional ordering.
(100) The ambassador's visit is projected to take place in June.
(101) The biggest buildings in the world were under construction, but none so gargantuan as those Gillette projected.
(102) Employment of general managers and top executives is projected to decline in manufacturing industries overall.
(103) During the pre-campaign week we recorded no items on television news which positively projected the image of party unity.
(104) The economy, once projected to grow about 4 percent this year, is expected to shrink about 2 percent.
(105) These were far more significant than any item projected in the development plans.
(106) Owing to the projected increase in population a new school was opened in 1982.
(107) Finally, we attempt to elucidate the infrastructure of current and projected associations that supports this picture, and consider its significance.
(108) We decided that I would live and split the difference between then and a projected now.
(109) In any case, as soon as the story begins, the hero is projected into severe dangers.
(110) Two walkways projected over the gorge on both sides of the river.
(111) A computer image of an eyeball was projected onto a screen on stage.
(112) So the interested parties projected barbed missiles at each other from behind their quick-to-assemble, remains-upright-in-a-force-9-mixed-metaphor barricades.
(113) The puissant alien walked crouched over in a permanent posture of attack so that the horns along its spine projected highest.
(114) From the first sight, what struck me was the image he projected.
(115) And Mr Ashdown has been projected in photo opportunities across Britain as the best leader the country will never have.
(116) It projected global economic growth in 1992 at 1.4 percent.
(117) Web hosting services are projected to increase from $ 2 billion in 1999, to $ 14.7 billion in 2003.
(118) However, under an allowed alternative treatment, a projected benefit valuation method may be used.
(119) It was agreed that capital and corporal punishment should not be volunteered for the list of topics to be projected.
(120) It is a question of personality, or more precisely how this is projected in the voice down the telephone wires.