sur造句31. By using the spectrophotometer we can men sur its OD value.
32. A fraction of the 26 miles he once ran in the Big Sur International Marathon.
33. Sulfonylureas at treatment dosage have no effect on receptor expression of SUR 2.
34. The set off imprimis of newly married living quarters should consider completely and steer overall design sur the air space dimension, light, ambient atmosphere.
35. Soberanes Point, in Big Sur near Carmel California is a rugged piece of coastline backed by 4,000 foot mountains.
36. In San Diego, exactly El Cajon I stayed at my friends Natasha and Philip's house who I met in Big Sur!
37. Firefighters are making progress containing the wildfire in Big Sur .
38. WiFi 3 g Informations et forum de discussion sur la t é l é phonie mobile de la troisi è me g é n é ration.
39. But the iconic mammal was rediscovered on the Big Sur coast in 1939, and has been making a gradual comeback ever since —or had been.
40. A mandatory evacuation order has been lifted and residents in Big Sur . California are back checking their homes even though the area's wildfire is still not contained.
41. Est - ce que toutes les informations sur vos formulaires de demande sont correctes?
42. Other Grammy nominated recordings include Olivier Messiaen's Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant Jesus and Quartet for the End of Time on BMG and a solo recording of works by Stravinsky[http://], Wolpe and Lieberson.
43. Une entreprise est une unit é de production qui vend ses produits sur un march é.
44. At sur - rhone, north Durance River and the confluence rhone 4 kilometers.
45. Like much of California, Big Sur has been hard hit over the past few decades by drought and rising temperatures.
46. The radiated power and acoustic pressure on the shell sur face are calculated, and the influence of the layer area on the shell"s radiation is discussed."
47. Nous sommes tomb é es sur le cimeti è re.
48. Cette pr é cipitation en dit long sur l'extraordinaire importance que le gouvernement japonais attache à la Chine.
49. The family later moved to Neuilly - sur - Seine , an upscale suburb.
50. The Santa Lucia Range sprawls down to the rocky coastline in Big Sur, California.
51. Il est orient é sur trois axes : é ducation, d é couverte de talents et rencontres.
52. Hydrogen degassing efficiency could be improved by optimizing the layout of porous plugs in holding furnace and improving the compatibility between porous plugs and sur...
53. Elles a rouvent le principe de la convocation d'un Sommet du C. S . N . U . sur la non prolif é ration.
54. The trial was carried out in Gauteng province in South Africa among men aged 18-24 years and was funded by the French Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA (ANRS).
55. Surrounding both at this 10th annual 20 Sur Vin wine competition in a stone-pillared wine temple are dimly lit barrels of very expensive red.
56. Families in parts of Baja California Sur, Mexico and in Guatemala are using it.
57. Tan Ern Sur, Associate professor of sociology at the National University of Singapore, believes neither the rich nor the poor are very visible in Singapore.
58. RA 7171 plows back annually 15 percent of cigaret excise tax revenues collected by the National Government to the virginia leaf producing provinces of Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, La Union and Abra.
59. On his arrival at M. sur M. he had only the garments, the appearance, and the language of a workingman.
60. Whereas Edouard Manet chose to paint Victorine Meurent in two of his masterpieces in the Louvre: Olympia and Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe , she is of interest to scholars.