plutonium造句61. But that makes plutonium, the ideal material for small nuclear weapons.
62. Plutonium is a unique and inevitable by-product of nuclear fission.
63. This was supposed to account for the value of their contribution towards the stockpiling of plutonium as fuel for future reactors.
64. But to pass, the end result should be less, not more total plutonium.
65. Controlled potential callomesric assay of plutonium?
66. The facility will produce plutonium once it is completed.
67. A large number of plutonium are handled in Sailafeierde.
68. Kim's stockpiles of plutonium probably aren't going anywhere either.
70. Plutonium weapons have several ways of misfiring.
71. The study on structure of critically safe multistage mixer-settler for the extraction process of high enriched uranium and plutonium has been completed.
72. In the reactor, some of the uranium 238 absorbs a neutron and becomes plutonium 239, which is also chain-reacting and can in principle be partially "burned" if it is extracted and properly prepared.
73. In a major and welcomed development, Russia announced that it will close its last weapons-grade plutonium production reactor.
74. Huge stocks of highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium, the fissile material of nuclear weapons, lie around the world, all too often in deplorably insecure conditions.
75. The idea is that it produces more plutonium than the plant needs to run, providing fissionable material usable elsewhere in the nation's nuclear program.
76. If you wanna just take a quick look at a breeder reactor, we have either mixed oxide or plutonium oxide. There's a blanket region in which you can make plutonium using uranium 238.
78. They planed plan to use the plutonium as fuel fuel for civilian nuclear reactors.
79. North Korea protested the resolution by saying it would enrich uranium and weaponize plutonium, according to KCNA, the state-run North Korean news agency.
80. Only two, neptunium (93) and plutonium (94), occur in nature, and only as traces in uranium ores as a result of neutron irradiation.
81. Last year, North Korea began to dismantle that complex, where it runs a nuclear reactor and reprocess fuel rods to recover plutonium, but it vowed in June to restart production there.
82. The principle, method and equipment of the catalyzed electrolytic plutonium oxide dissolution(CEPOD) are described.
83. Three days later, the US dropped a plutonium bomb on the port city of Nagasaki, killing about 80,000.
84. Weapon-grade plutonium constitutes the primary fission material for India's nuclear weapon and it has plutonium enough to make 70 to 100 nuclear weapons.
85. In October, North Korea exploded its first nuclear device , made using plutonium.
86. Two old plutonium disposal plants damaged at once by some unestablished reason.
87. I'm not gonna talk too much about the but in the fertile to fissile chain if you look uranium 238 it captures the neutron, 239 by beta decay 239 goes to neptunium, neptunium to plutonium 239.
88. Processing of spent fuel with high burn-up should take special measure in order to avoid heavy radiolytic degradation of the solvent and the criticality of plutonium.
89. North Korea has turned over to Washington about 18,000 pages of records on its nuclear activities, including those concerning the North's reprocessing of weapons-grade plutonium.
90. Gunner talked like a peacenik but Trout knew "Plutonium Jack" would never hesitate to pull the nuclear trigger if he had to.