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1 The daffodil belongs to the genus narcissus. 2 The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus. 3 This genus of plants differentiate into many species. 4 That genus of plants differentiates into three species. 5 This genus of plants differentiates into many species. 6 The genus Luronium is rarely cultivated. 7 Science is a genus with many species and varieties. 8 Anomalous ammonites: the Cretaceous genus Nipponites. 9 These are mainly large species of the genus Echinodorus. 10 The genus contains only a single species. 11 We nonetheless welcome this particular representative of the genus. 12 In nature plants of this genus are propagated mainly from the seeds. 13 The genus as a whole shares its virtuous qualities with few others in the marine aquarium hobby. 14 Fishes of the genus Dascyllus are usually found in large groups,[www.] often hovering around a coral head or steep coral face. 15 This species is one of a fairly large genus that survives today. 16 The genus Alternanthera with about 170 species contains only very few aquatics. 17 The members of the genus Amphiprion are known collectively as anemonefishes. 18 The true cats of the genus Felis have a different attachment of the larynx that robs them of this ability. 19 These may be included in the same genus - Tyrannosaurus - but will be given a different specific name. 20 The genus Barclaya is very seldom seen in association with Cryptocoryne species. 21 The genus Cryptocoryne has been revised recently by the senior author. 22 Cultivation: It can be planted as with most others of its genus in a good rich mixture. 23 They may form a continuous series with the oral papillae as in the genus Ophiopristis. 24 This name covers a group of Aponogeton plants forming the great majority of aquarium representatives of this genus. 25 Therefore many local forms have evolved, giving rise to the predominance of endemic species within the genus Cryptocoryne. 26 It would be perfectly reasonable to keep them all in the same genus. 27 Species: In the Latinized name for a plant, the genus comes first, then the species, a subdivision. 28 Based on their high sequence similarity, it is reasonable also to place parthenogenesis bacteria within this genus. 29 The substrate may be richer than usual for the genus because this plant grows out of the water. 30 Several specialists questioned whether there is enough fossil evidence yet to support a claim for a new genus.