快好知 kuaihz

91. Judging the awards is a fascinating experience which has a refreshing tendency to challenge preconceived notions. 92. Therefore, no amount of personality can compensate for mediocre chili. o Judging chili is very personal and subjective. 93. One of the cooks came in, judging by the white apron. 94. The judging addresses seven separate but related categories worth a total of I, 000 points. 95. Judging from the minerals present in the mass of water, it appeared to have spurted out of the ocean crust. 96. Seems extraordinary, but judging from the hardback sales, his fan club is as big as ever. 97. So had Adam, judging by the sticking plaster on his chin. 98. Judging that Miller had been snoring long enough, he shook him till he woke, and made him drive to Turnhouse. 99. Judging from the election results, a sizable number of voters agreed that change was needed. 100. Appearances are often deceiving and we all know the dangers of judging a book by its cover. 101. This would be a great help, instead of just relying at present on judging conformation in the hope of reducing strain on tendons. 102. Judging from where he stood, the peephole must lie just above the painting next door. 103. That was a shot in the dark, but judging from the expression on his face it struck home. 104. There are, though, three or four fundamental criteria for judging advertisements which can be applied more or less universally. 105. We will draw upon these criteria inPart Two in judging the various strategies of evaluation. 106. Judging by the photograph on the back, the author's really dishy, too. 107. I was awarded seventeen points out of twenty but judging by the worried looks and furrowed brows there were some lower scores. 108. But judging by the crowded platform, nobody seems to mind. 109. The light blues beat Oxford in a report judging the quality of research in 172 universities and colleges. 110. It runs a League, and is involved in establishing criteria for judging standards for a series of compulsory figures. 111. Scriven has charged evaluators with the responsibility for judging the merit of an educational practice. 112. It couldn't have, judging by her expression as she stood there handing him a cup of tea. 113. Fact 3: Criteria are lacking for judging the product a failure. 114. Those that entered, found the competition tough and the judging committee were impressed with the quality of the presentations made. 115. Judging the competition has taken quite some time and was no easy matter. 116. Their cherished concoctions were delivered to the jury room for judging. 117. Judging by wages the import-competing sector is slightly more skilled than the exporting sector. 118. Judging from Monday night's game, the team still has a lot of work to do. 119. The soil was suitably acid, I suspected, judging by the proliferation of rhododendrons I had seen. 120. Most competitors are happy to share their tricks and local celebrities always show up to help with the judging.