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61. Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of TB Ab in TB pleurisy. 62. Conclusion: TWBC accelerates the repolymerization of myocardial TB during hypothermic CPB, which may mediate the improved cardiac performance in the early stage of myocardial reperfusion. 63. Experiments indicate that the TB - EPB mechanism produces better translation quality and faster as well. 64. Others like Djoko, who suffer from TB and other diseases, travel hours from Douala because the "drugs are better here," highlighting positive perceptions about the quality of care. 65. Professor Ben Marais of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University says, "There is a desperate need for research into TB drug therapy. 66. The patients involved did not suffered from anemia, liver and renal function disfunction, heart and cerebrovascular disease, diabetes and TB. 67. Her personal devotion has taken her to poverty-stricken areas to visit TB patients. 68. In many African countries, people living with AIDS frequently succumb to TB as a final, deadly opportunistic infection, making AIDS and TB a particularly dangerous co-epidemic. 69. Current TB drugs known as rifamycins also act on RNA polymerase, but they do it in a different way. 70. NTP budgets for 2006 are broadly in line with the Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006–2015, except for TB/HIV control where NTP budgets are much lower. 71. Researchers compared the effectiveness of the antiretroviral drugs efavirenz and nevirapine in 4,000 South African HIV patients. Some already had tuberculosis (TB) and were taking rifampicin. 72. We constructed a compartmental difference-equation model of a TB epidemic in a hypothetical population of constant size with a treatment success rate of 85%. 73. They do not suffer coffering coughing, increased body temp er e a ture or other signs of active TB. 74. Yet traditional sputum smear, x-ray and culture tests may not accurately identify active TB, particularly in HIV-positive patients. 75. With this new resource control the total memory limit of a WPAR can be set to any value between 1 MB and 8,796,093,022,207 MB (about 8388608 TB or 8192 PB (Petabyte) or 8 EB (Exabyte)). 76. The present paper holds that Keats' unique sensuousness is mainly due to his infection of tuberculosis(TB) which is an important part in his local ecological environment. 77. The skin test depends on body actionbody's reaction to an injection of specially prepared TB protein. 78. What is missing from the public health tool chest, says CSU professor Diego Krapf, who led the research, is a technique that can be used to widely detect TB in those places where it is most prevalent. 79. The technique has already yielded promising results in tests on non-pathogenic relatives of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes TB, Corbett told SciDev.Net. 80. But the major question, is whether such new technologies would also benefit poor populations, such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa where TB, HIV/AIDS and malaria continue to affect millions. 81. And decentralising control of TB eradication programmes will increase their effectiveness and help communities help themselves, the authors say. 82. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis ( TB ), has infected the human being for thousands years. 83. Tuberculosis ( TB ): Bacterial disease caused by some species of mycobacterium ( tubercle bacillus ). 84. The researchers estimated that in air-conditioned rooms, 39 per cent of individuals — mainly health workers — would become infected following 24 hours of exposure to untreated TB patients. 85. The Bao'an district TB control work still has much space to improve and the work pattern should be popularized after adjusting. 86. National TB control programmes must contribute to overall strategies to advance financing, planning, management, information and supply systems and innovative service delivery scale-up. 87. TB is curable with a course of special medicines called antibiotics. 88. WHO says use of the new test could lead to "a three-fold increase in the diagnosis of patients with drug-resistant TB" and double the diagnosis of TB in people with HIV. 89. Nevirapine — the cheaper of the two drugs — was found to be less effective in patients with existing TB, with higher HIV loads in their blood than those on efavirenz. 90. Current or previous tuberculosis was indicated in 72 (35.5%) of patients by the T-SPOT. TB test and in 26 (12.8%) of patients by the tuberculin skin test.