快好知 kuaihz

1 The disease is totally unresponsive to conventional treatment. 2 He was totally unresponsive to the pressing social and economic needs of the majority of the population. 3 His warning fell on unresponsive ears . 4 I found her in a coma, totally unresponsive. 5 She is a cold, unfeeling and unresponsive woman. 6 This combination of symptoms seems to be unresponsive to conventional medical treatment. 7 Diazepam may be given for unresponsive panic attacks. 8 She was unresponsive to this argument. 9 Her infection had become totally unresponsive to medication. 10 The Postal Service is also unresponsive. 11 But his words fell on unresponsive ears. 12 Board members have been very unresponsive to our suggestions. 13 This combination of symptoms may be unresponsive to conventional medical treatment. 14 Unresponsive export markets led many houses to turn their attention inwards and focus on long-neglected domestic sales. 15 Clinical indications included encephalopathy, recurrent variceal haemorrhage unresponsive to therapy,[www.] repeated episodes of bacterial peritonitis or intractable ascites. 16 The preceding decades has not witnessed governments unresponsive to electoral expectations and the nation's problems. 17 When premature infants who are unresponsive are taken out of the incubator, she usually takes over their care. 18 Daphne discovered for instance, that baby elephants were unresponsive to many types of milk. 19 I was unresponsive and kept joking with him about it - but I made it clear I wasn't interested. 20 It is unindexed and totally unresponsive to name changes and revisions. 21 It is not that such agendas are unresponsive to data but they are not responsive by way of direct testing. 22 For example, V4 in rhesus monkeys contains a very high density of colour coding cells that are unresponsive to white stimuli. 23 Parents who do not detect an intermittent hearing loss can become irritable and controlling and label their child as disobedient and unresponsive. 24 Recruiters banged at their drums, yet crowds of young men filled the streets, unmoved and unresponsive. 25 Richard Nixon repeatedly expressed his exasperation at having to work with an unresponsive bureaucracy. 26 The infant is breathing on her own but is unresponsive, officials said. 27 Several of the female workers who have sued Mitsubishi say the department had been unresponsive and ineffective. 28 There is the danger that the plan becomes fossilised, static and unresponsive to new intelligence or other changed circumstances. 29 This is a priority because a tense, nervous student will not work well, and will be unresponsive to teaching. 30 Until 1862 the mood within the government was by no means unresponsive to pressure for reform.