快好知 kuaihz

31. It was one of the great hongs, trading houses, that had been booted out by Mao after Liberation. 32. Puck was one of only two Real World-ites to be booted out of the house, and we can see why. 33. But going home can be difficult when a member has been booted out of office. 34. Benedict carried her through the bedchamber door, and, with one booted foot, kicked it to behind him. 35. He booted the ball up to the other end of the playing field. 36. Soon the tunnels echoed to the rumble of many booted feet. 37. Then she pummelled Clare's pillow and kicked clumsily against the nearest wall with her booted feet. 38. In recent years the defiantly right-on stance of the comedy circuit had been booted out by a brand of no-holds barred humour. 39. As it wasn't mentioned in the Newsletter write-up Geoff's theory is that she was booted out. 40. When he reached the open doorway he booted the parcel into the room and whirled around to slam the door behind him. 41. This arrangement lasted only a few weeks before Barrett was booted out of the band he had named and created. 42. Fourth-year engineering student Steve, 21, is alleged to have been booted as he lay helpless on the ground. 43. The first step of that booted foot on to the moon was very, very cautious. 44. The stammering policeman jumped through the window and embedded his booted foot in the overturned pot. 45. I had an Amstrad 1640 machine which booted up every morning without a complaint. 46. He should have been booted out of the Olympics and told to race at a more apt venue. 47. Leaning against the fender, beside their booted feet, was a single AK47. 48. Suddenly this big heavy guy came up and booted me in the stomach. 49. The lifters were tested three weeks ago and were booted out of the Olympics for taking Clenbuterol. 50. Thornton exploded, and successfully demanded that Curran be booted out. 51. If booted out, he could portray himself as a martyr. 52. The South-West's late try came when Clough was sent a hospital pass and Fallon booted the loose ball over the line. 53. Jaeger booted a 37-yard field goal for the winning points. 54. He booted the kids out of the orchard. 55. He has been quietly booted out as chief. 56. The booted him out for being drunk at work. 57. One guy booted the door down. 58. Tom booted the football over the goalpost. 59. You must be here booted and spurred at nine o'clock. 60. I hear Harry has been booted out of his job for consistently had timekeeping.