快好知 kuaihz

1. Medically, we will derive great benefit from this technique. 2. We have all been medically checked. 3. Are you medically qualified ? 4. Can my child be medically examined without my consent? 5. The army rejected him as medically unfit. 6. No member of the team was medically qualified and its methods were considered totally unscientific. 7. Hazlett was medically discharged from the Army in 1989. 8. The disease has left her medically unfit to fly. 9. The deaths can not be medically accounted for and environmentalists fear that costal erosion could be releasing buried poisons from the site. 10. She requires to be cleared medically before the treatment centre can accept her application. 11. Once a soldier had been certified medically deaf he was always shipped home. 12. Not medically perhaps, but certainly in proportion to the commercialism that preceded him. 13. Medically prescribed drugs - essential though they may be - sometimes bring about confusion or memory loss. 14. Yes, he was medically qualified, as well as being a biologist. 15. Parents often have little choice with respect to the way their child is medically treated. 16. The form should be signed by a person who is medically qualified. 17. Therapists cannot prescribe drugs as they are not necessarily medically qualified. 18. He wished to join the army, but was rejected as medically unfit. 19. More constructive measures were also introduced to help families with children financially and medically. 20. He had refused, however, and sought advice privately from a medically qualified nutritionist. 21. To my knowledge, no immigration officer at Heathrow is medically qualified. 22. Hutton said last week that it took another 12 hours before Reagan was medically fit and clear headed enough to make decisions. 23. Bruch criticized obesity researchers for failing to recognize that dieting was not only psychologically debilitating but medically simple-minded. 24. Judge Guzman rejected a defence petition to have the 85-year-old declared medically unfit for trial. 25. A century ago there were few professional scientists - and most of them were medically qualified. 26. Yet many of us do not really know how much we drink or the medically recommended sensible drinking levels. 27. He voiced their torment at knowing their children would be medically examined without consent and without any familiar face being present. 28. At the same time it was made illegal for anyone who was not fully medically qualified and registered to treat these diseases. 29. However, definitive decisions about such measures must rest with medically qualified personnel. 30. Clinical trials continue with the aim of improving the prognosis for selected groups of medically fit individuals.