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1, These drawings are among his most naturalistic. 2, Most zoos try to exhibit animals in naturalistic settings. 3, Further research is needed under rather more naturalistic conditions. 4, This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time. 5, In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail. 6, It was the naturalistic study of animal behaviour. 7, Quite the opposite: Why try to copy naturalistic virtues that the camera can capture more tellingly? 8, Naturalistic versions were found on older Caucasian items, and may still be encountered on some contemporary Persian workshop items. 9, The participant observer in such a naturalistic framework really only observes. 10, Yet it is not the reality of a naturalistic drama, such as we would find in, say, Ibsen or Chekhov. 11, Now opera has rarely been a naturalistic medium, and never an understated one. 12, Most unusual, however, is the naturalistic green Kashgar jade terrapin, discovered in Allahabad in 1600. 13, Straddling naturalistic setting and ritual drama, Reilly is the only character who sings. 14, They are permitted no naturalistic embellishment, but given that choice the stylisation should be taken further. 15, Inevitably, the untenable relation between naturalistic art and photography became clear. 16, These usually consist of large, naturalistic floral garlands or medallions set against an open or sparsely decorated field. 17, He turned instead to naturalistic analogies drawn especially from chemistry. 18, Thus they escape the naturalistic science curriculum of the vast majority of public institutions at the primary, secondary and collegiate levels. 19, How about naturalistic evolution as an explanation for origins? 20, to study behaviour in laboratory and naturalistic settings. 21, He gave the naturalistic novel and short story the characteristic form. 22, Brands are featured to fullest effect in naturalistic contexts readily understood by viewers. 23, This paper attempts to study and summarize the naturalistic features in Sister Carrie. 24, Henry Tanner received widespread recognition for his naturalistic painting of plantation life. 25, Cany bamboo kind tea table shows naturalistic inclination, the style is quiet of primitive simplicity, suit ligneous sofa or the sofa with qualitative cane. 26, From animism to naturalistic pantheism, there are various belief systems that deify the natural world. 27, The chief aesthetic charge against the art works was that their characteristically modernist expressionist distortions failed to conform to a naturalistic realism. 28, They are therefore designed to indicate to what extent and in what ways the child uses language in naturalistic settings. 29, Moore says that those who try to identify good with some complex property are committing what he calls the naturalistic fallacy. 30, The aim of this thesis is to find and discuss the psychoanalytic thought in Emile Zola"s Naturalistic novels."