快好知 kuaihz

1. She wore a shapeless knitted garment. 2. He knitted up his remarks briefly. 3. She was wearing a knitted pullover. 4. She was wearing a stripy knitted top. 5. The broken bones in his leg soon knitted together. 6. They knitted their brows and started to grumble. 7. I knitted this cardigan myself. 8. My grandmother knitted me some socks. 9. His brows were knitted in a permanent frown. 10. Emily knitted him some socks. 11. The doctor knitted her broken bones together. 12. He knitted his brow in concentration. 13. She knitted her son a sweater. 14. His fiancee knitted him a pullover. 15. The bone hasn't knitted together properly. 16. He knitted his brows in concentration. 17. We are knitted together by a common goal. 18. Billy's eyebrows knitted together in a little frown. 19. The whole nation was knitted together by war. 20. Our two nations are knitted together by common concerns. 21. She knitted him 10 pairs of socks to take with him. 22. She pushed up the sleeves of her grey knitted cardigan and got to work. 23. The broken bones in his arm have knitted together well. 24. Cantor gazed out the car window, brows knitted. 25. My mother's knitted me a nice warm sweater. 26. Each row on the mylar sheet is knitted twice. 27. She also did a few hand knitted garments herself. 28. I had to unravel one of the sleeves because I realised I'd knitted it too small. 29. The doctors says that she won't be able to walk until the bones of her leg have knitted together. 30. If you start with the carriage at the left, the first row of the pattern will only be knitted once.