快好知 kuaihz

241. You must deposit 500 as well as the first month's rent. 242. The firm made losses of 500,000 against profits of 750,000. 243. The Government donated £500 000 as a gesture of goodwill. 244. He won 500 and then blued the lot in three days. 245. They told me it would be cheap but in fact it cost me nearly $500. 246. With inflation at 500%, the country faces a crisis of confidence. 247. This last thing will bring the bill to over £500. 248. The shop charges up to $500 to tune up a Porsche. 249. The amount you have to pay will be limited to a maximum of £500. 250. The latest 500 cc road bike easily outclasses all the competition. 251. The publisher expected the book to sell 1,500 copies, tops. 252. Mr. Jones said he would kick in with 500 dollars. 253. The bank agreed to lend me a top-up of £500. 254. An optional 1 500 sheet feeder can be attached to the photocopier. 255. I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house. 256. The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day. 257. We surveyed 500 smokers and found that over three quarters would like to give up. 258. At present, the safe volume of blood substitute is limited to 500 to 1,000 milliliters. 259. The week cost us over 500 but that was with skiing lessons. 260. To open an account,[www.] you need to make a minimum deposit of $500. 261. The CD, released in October, sold out a first pressing of 1,500 in just four months. 262. The company announced that it would cut 500 jobs as part of an economy drive . 263. How many pages was it, 500 odd? 264. He was told that he had a one in 500 chance of survival. 265. A single CD-ROM can hold more than 500 megabytes of data.