sen造句151. The tardy appearance of the tapes provided the opportunity for Sen.
152. But the speech officially launches a seven-week campaign that pits Riordan against state Sen.
153. Dole and his retinue of campaign aides and national reporters journeyed to former Sen.
154. But his ideology was unconfined by party lines, occasionally finding him allied with the likes of Sen.
155. Bob Dole, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, last month voiced support for the same amendment, sponsored by Sen.
156. Michael Dukakis ignored the urgings of his much-admired running mate, Sen.
157. Dole did his first dry run Tuesday, in a mock debate with Sen.
158. Monday night she hosts a party for him at about the same time her brother-in-law Sen.
159. From nowhere last fall, he has eclipsed all but Sen.
160. An immigration-reform measure pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee would cut the length of employment to three years, but Sen.
161. The most lucrative, in terms of quick turnover, was a deal he helped arrange while governor with former Tennessee Sen.
162. A possible way round this problem has been suggested by Sen and others.
163. Powell has enormous respect would be asking him to reconsider joining the ticket to dramatically increase Sen.
164. Forbes is purchasing the same instant gratification at the advice of Carter Wrenn, a media warrior from Sen.
165. The man who had risen from political mediocrity by identifying with Adlai Stevenson, Sen.
166. There have been more sightings of Elvis in the last three days than there have been of Sen.
167. In a recent examination of the issue that has not gotten the attention it deserves, Democratic Sen.
168. Proponents of legislation such as the immigration bill of Sen.
169. Stuck in two new polls behind frontrunner Bob Dole and two insurgent candidates with clear ideological messages, Texas Sen.
170. When Colangelo arrived, the embodiment of all that was Arizonan was Sen.
171. On the other side of the political aisle, an incensed Sen.
172. In a breakfast interview with Los Angeles Times editors and reporters, Sen.
173. Bush was still at it this week during a dinner honoring retiring Sen.
174. And when Dole wanted defense policy advice for his presidential campaign, he turned not to Thurmond but to Sen.
175. For $ 35, 000, this little town plans to build an elevator to comply with legislation championed by Sen.
176. He thinks Washington can do good deeds and disagrees with Texas Sen.
177. A bipartisan reauthorization bill to overhaul the act, authored by Sen.
178. Combs resigned earlier this year to work as state director for U. S. Sen.
179. These figures in turn played a major role in securing the support of Sen.
180. One of Davis's opponents for the Republican nomination for attorney general, state Sen.