bib造句1) The baby was slobbering all over her bib.
2) It felt fun, like tying on a lobster bib.
3) Victoria's mucky bib came off her flower-sprigged Viyella dress and the chocolate pudding was sponged from her face.
4) I felt like a country bumpkin in his bib overalls laughed right out of a formal ball.
5) He puts on his best bib and tucker and books a top restaurant for a romantic dinner.
6) First he threw down his training bib, then he tried to make a point to coaches Dino Zoff and Giancarlo Oddi.
7) Instead he will, in best bib and tucker, be performing his last official act as the Masters champion.
8) Put on your bib. Now are ready to eat.
9) Baby has slobbered his bib.
10) That baby is a dribbler; he needs a bib.
11) The baby is wearing a bib.
12) Bib: Look at the baby, cradle.
13) She wore her best bib - and - tucker.
14) May I tie on your bib?
15) The child beslobbered his bib.
16) Kathleen went to the dance in her best bib and tucher.
17) Backward Indicator Bit (BIB), a one-bit field in the SS7 Message Signaling Unit (MSU), indicates a negative acknowledgment by the remote signaling point when toggled.
18) Spread collar. Pique bib front with genuine mother - of - pearl buttons at the placket.
19) Another pale-faced Twi'lek, nicknamed "Bib Fortuna" during production, was played by Alan Ruscoe and shared a senate pod with Senator Orn Free Taa.
20) I fed milk to her again but she slobbered it on her bib.
21) Derek Jefferson had abandoned his executive suit for a caddie's bib and was ready to do his stuff again.
22) When it came time for my client to testify, he took the witness stand in his bib overalls.
23) His head had dropped forward and over his chest a great mat of blood had spread like a bib.
24) Two people go into that room, that room with the forceps, the soiled bib.
25) A lot of people still have that image of horseshoe pitchers being farmers in bib overalls.
26) Plumb says, "I kept wondering what he might have looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat, a bib in the back, and bell-bottom trousers."
27) Don't tuck it into your belt or use it a bib.
28) Or, I show up on time, but I don't have my running shoes, or another critical item, like my race bib.
29) As you install that drip irrigation system in your rose bed , tell yourself, " The line to the hose6 bib goes here."
30) Don't tuck it into your belt or use it as bib.