快好知 kuaihz

1. He lives a parasitic existence, borrowing money from his friends. 2. Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases? 3. She lives a parasitic existence, constantly borrowing money from her friends. 4. The beetles are clearly parasitic on the system. 5. Two hundred million people worldwide suffer from parasitic diseases. 6. Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant. 7. Scientists have even been able to distinguish tiny parasitic insects, mites, clinging to the legs of the bigger ones. 8. Another parasitic protozoan is Myxobolus, this one causing fatal internal cysts and highly resistant to treatment. 9. These would no longer be parasitic, completely dependent on bourgeois society and playing no productive role. 10. This book will provide essential information on parasitic helminth communities for all those involved and interested in parasitology and community ecology. 11. Sometimes, with the parasitic cases, elephantiasis had set in, and the swollen legs were particularly horrible. 12. It is only the female Ergasilus which is parasitic to fish. 13. Parasitic beetles often make their homes in the nests of ants. 14. Both free-living and parasitic phases of the life cycle are similar to those of the bovine species. 15. They suffer from many parasitic diseases, and have high levels of infant and child mortality. 16. The free-living and parasitic stages are similar to those of Ostertagia. 17. But this epistemology itself is parasitic upon other practices, which serve the same ideological function. 18. The eggs of this parasitic worm can wait as long as 16 years for a suitable root to grow nearby. 19. The only reliable method of preventing parasitic bronchitis is to immunise all young calves with lungworm vaccine. 20. This so-called parasitic genetic material turns out to serve a useful evolutionary function. 21. Better work as hard as an ant than lead a parasitic life as a sparrow. 22. Trichostrongylus is rarely a primary pathogen in temperate areas, but is usually a component of parasitic gastroenteritis in ruminants. 23. The more violent the oscillations the greater the amount of parasitic genetic material. 24. Destructiveness and self-doubt are preferable to the enfeebled body politic and the parasitic Church. 25. Strongyloides is unique among the nematodes of veterinary importance being capable of both parasitic and free-living reproductive cycles. 26. Political power is inversely correlated with economic productivity. Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant. 27. The most serious risk which faced them was that to their involuntarily parasitic women-folk - the unexpected death of the male breadwinner. 28. The characteristic lesion is similar in both horses and donkeys and is somewhat different from bovine parasitic bronchitis. 29. In the United States, existing surveillance systems are inadequate to rapidly recognize outbreaks of this parasitic infection. 30. Their rates of exchange are quite artificial, being set by government interest-rate policies, and are easily exploited by parasitic speculators.