hurrying造句1, Why are you hurrying?
2, She is hurrying for the conference.
3, He's a good worker but he needs hurrying up.
4, It's no use hurrying him.
5, A young man came hurrying down the street.
6, They were hurrying to catch their train.
7, He was hurrying along the pavement.
8, It's no good hurrying into learning the piano; it's a long slow job.
9, John, hurrying as usual, almost walked right into it.
10, People were hurrying, binoculars bouncing on chests.
11, Hurrying down to his men, he readied them.
12, Now, all that hurrying has given me a thirst.
13, I saw him hurrying off to catch his plane.
14, Dame Agatha was hurrying towards him.
15, Each one was hurrying to avoid being last.
16, I won't be hurrying to try it again.
17, Corbett grunted, impatiently hurrying him on,[http:///hurrying.html] and seized the tattered leather strap.
18, One, two, three, the hurrying mules passed, leaving the smell of dung diffused in the gray air.
19, Hurrying back to the site, she had felt as nervous as a teenager going on her first date.
20, But by then, Nicolo was hurrying her down the steps, out of the building, and into a black Mercedes limousine.
21, People were hurrying, others stood in doorways looking toward the center of town.
22, Fretting, he thought of hurrying round to have it out with him, whatever it was.
23, Michael came hurrying towards Sean at the top of the aisle and took Noreen's other arm.
24, Carson let the door swing behind him, hurrying through into the sitting room and reaching for the receiver.
25, The old steward came hurrying up, huffing and puffing, but Carey snarled at him so he slunk away.
26, Recall Land's description of hurrying to tell his friend of his vision of the camera.
27, The council had been handing out grants indiscriminately, and people were hurrying to get their snouts in the trough.
28, Fish splashed in small pools and the sweet scent of the river hurrying by charmed our days.
29, On no account should it be regarded as something through which the traveller passes quickly while hurrying on to the next destination.
30, Aim was doubtful but sufficient to send the attackers hurrying back.