快好知 kuaihz

31. The flickering firelight revealed an appearance that was most disturbing. 32. Have you got any seats for Firelight this evening? 33. His face looked ruddy in the firelight. 34. The glasses glanced and twinkled in the firelight. 35. Candlelight, angel light, firelight and star glow. 36. The firelight flared across the room. 37. We watched the flicker of the firelight on the wall. 38. The results show that the process of radiation of firelight from explosion consists of two phases:detonation and afterburning. 39. A house without woman and firelight,[www.] is like a body without soul or sprite. 40. He threw me a glance, his eyes sparking with the firelight. 41. The invention can detect electric arc light and firelight accurately and effectively. 42. Don't turn on the lamp; we can see in the firelight. 43. It takes music, symbolism, sex, hypnosis, wine and strange drugs, firelight and chanting, ritual and magic. 44. Carlini raised her in his arms , and carried her out of the circle of firelight.