vietnamese造句(1) Under the agreement the Vietnamese can opt out at any time.
(2) Real pacification is hard to get in the Vietnamese countryside.
(3) The Vietnamese are trying to assimilate themselves and become Americans.
(4) The Vietnamese government has fixed on May 19th to celebrate his anniversary.
(5) Nguyen helps Vietnamese students who haven't mastered English.
(6) California has the largest concentration of Vietnamese outside Vietnam.
(7) Interestingly enough , many of the writers were Vietnamese immigrants.
(8) In the field, they lived with the Vietnamese Army.
(9) Wallace: Do you mean the Vietnamese troops in Kampuchea?
(10) Do you mean the Vietnamese troops in Kampuchea? Yes.
(11) He was captured, put in a Vietnamese prison camp.
(12) After our last session, he started the Vietnamese war.
(13) The Vietnamese treated their abominably(Sentence dictionary), particularly the women.
(14) The Vietnamese policemen looked even more ridiculous.
(15) Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese statesman.
(16) North Vietnamese stonewalling doomed Cambodia, however, to prolonged agony.
(17) Taiwanese artillery fired on a Vietnamese supply ship.
(18) An honor guard of five former South Vietnamese servicemen marched smartly to the front of the room.
(19) and they do the same damage to the Vietnamese countryside and the Laotian people.
(20) Different languages have different adverbial and Chinese and Vietnamese are no exception.
(21) In 1988 more than 70 Vietnamese sailors died in a naval battle with China in the Spratlys.
(22) In 1967, US Marines and South Vietnamese troops launched Operation Deckhouse Five (V), an offensive in the Mekong River delta.
(23) A vietnamese mother kindly glanced at her beloved baby. The power of motherliness is huge. In a church, Beijing.
(24) The author tells of a remarkable encounter with a group of South Vietnamese soldiers.
(25) The U.S. had won its first encounter with the North Vietnamese army.
(26) In fact, the US generals had seriously misjudged the determination and endurance of the North Vietnamese.
(27) A research of comparative anatomy was carried out on the characteristics of wood structure between Hainan Scentedrose wood and Vietnamese Scentedrose wood.
(28) Prime Minister Phan Van Khai makes the first visit to the US by a Vietnamese leader since the end of the Vietnam War.
(29) Ms. Hui's movie-making career has spanned more than three decades, and she has covered topics that include the plight of Vietnamese boat people, Alzheimer's disease and lesbianism.
(30) The strange-looking Tonkin snub-nosed monkey, only found in two Vietnamese provinces, naturally has a narrow, upturned nose and full, pink lips.