workmen造句61. The workmen are coming to put the new windows in today.
62. Three burly workmen duly arrived, complete with truck and mini-crane, to hoist the heavy bins into position.
63. They were not the shabby workmen, but were dressed in what looked like blue and white satin.
64. I could feel the enthusiasm ebbing away as the workmen became more and more exhausted.
65. The Act enabled workmen to recover compensation without the necessity of proving fault on the part of the employer.
66. The workmen were ordered to clear the fall of earth away and it wasn't long before a human skeleton was discovered.
67. He called to the workmen, and they put their shoulders to the raft in anticipation.
68. When workmen put salt on icy roads, the salt makes the ice melt and so the roads become safer for cars.
69. Except for the workmen who were already in the pubs splashing their pay packets about.
70. The Viceregal Palace was a drafty mass of ruins except for the wing that Foundation workmen had restored.
71. Two workmen were killed when a maintenance gantry fixed to the bridge collapsed two years ago.
72. Victor was tormented by things that try us all-council bureaucrats, sloppy workmen, shoddy service.
73. An army of workmen and volunteers worked all day to clear up after the raiders flooded the main stand.
74. It was the wealth of the new entrepreneurs, not that of their workmen, which was everywhere celebrated.
75. Below the temple hill, at the far end of the beach, a dozen elderly workmen were waiting for us.
76. On one occasion workmen using a sledgehammer across the street warbled along with the star after hearing Helen's tape.
77. Moved by the pleas of the stranded workmen, Ellis gambled that it could.
78. Her images of that horde of ribald workmen looked positively endearing next to this man.
79. Police warn about con-trick builders POLICE are warning people to beware of unscrupulous workmen after a pensioner was swindled.
80. It should be observed that the most significant contribution to compensation for injured workmen has been through insurance rather than the tort system.
81. The House of Lords approached the question in a commonsense manner and held the actions of both workmen were causes.
82. Council workmen have had to tidy footpaths and repair roads and curbs, partly in response to the number of heavy lorries passing through.
83. Thirteen hundred workmen were blasting their way, day and night, through the solid rock, 160 feet below the town.
84. A promenade ran along the top, and Ruth saw Council workmen piling sandbags against the brightly painted railings.
85. They were found as workmen dug foundations for a new county court being built in Gloucester docks.
86. Five workmen stood near the heat, bare chests sweating, shoulders goose-pimpled.
87. He also showed concern for the safety of workmen on his projects and sensitivity towards their impact on the environment.
88. A gang of workmen put a fence up across the private lane leading to the house in Beaconsfield.
89. More than factory owners might have cared to admit, the workmen set limits on what they actually did each day.
90. Routine maintenance work is often carried out in the early hours at the centre when workmen can avoid causing disruption to shoppers.